Why do you teach that the Adventist church has given up the Three
Angels messages?
The three angels of Revelation 14 are involved with messages from heaven. But
there are three other spirits listed in Revelation 16 who are involved with
messages from the Devil's kingdom. It is either the messages of the three
angels of Revelation 14--which center in Jesus, or it is the messages of the
three spirits of Revelation 16--which center in Satan, that will be heard and
embraced by the world today. So if the heavenly messages of the three angels of
Revelation 14 are changed from their original truth, then they would no longer
be truth, but would be part of the hellish messages of the three unclean spirits
of Revelation 16.
But who
would do such a thing? Who would try to change these three precious truths of
God into the specious falsehoods and messages of Satan from the bottomless
Selected Messages, book 1, p 204-205, we find this inspired
"The enemy
of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to
take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist
in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging
in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would
result? The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant
church, would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The
fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years
would be accounted as error. A new organization would be established. Books of
a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be
introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities, and do a
wonderful work. The Sabbath of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the
God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new
movement. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God
being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without
God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and
tempest would sweep away the structure.
"Who has
authority to begin such a movement? We have our Bibles. We have our
experience, attested to by the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit. We have a
truth that admits of no compromise. Shall we not repudiate everything that is
not in harmony with this truth?"
Ellen White
wrote that there was to be a satanic reformation and movement within the
Seventh-day Adventist church that would consist in giving up the original
doctrines and pillars of Adventism, and thus "our religion would be
God raised
up the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church out of the great disappointment of
October 22, 1844, to live and preach the Three Angels' Messages to the whole
world, and then Christ would come. This means that the sole foundational basis
for the existence of the SDA church would be the Three Angels' Messages, and its
sole mission in these last days would be the proclamation of these heavenly
church of today agrees with this.
"What is
the Raison D'etre [French word for "reason for existence"] of the Seventh-day
Adventist church? In short, it is to proclaim to the entire world the gospel in
the setting of God's special threefold message [Revelation 14] and thus prepare
a people for the coming of Christ." Adventist Review, August 19, 1982, p
13 (see also Ministry, December, 1992, p 24).
Since the
sole foundational basis for the existence of the SDA church is the Three Angels'
Messages, if the SDA church would change the original foundational teachings of
these messages into something completely different, then it would not be the
same church which God raised up. But the church would have then become a
counterfeit of God's true church.
If this
occurs, then the sole foundational basis for the existence of the SDA church in
these last days would be the counterfeit three unclean spirits' messages of
satanic doctrine, and its sole mission would be the proclamation of these
specious doctrines! As such, the SDA church would be no different than all the
other churches which have given up the light of heaven. Hence our response to
her must be the same as our response to the other churches of
So the big
question is; "Has the SDA church changed the original fundamental doctrinal
pillars and teachings of the Three Angels' Messages of Revelation 14 into
another three angels' messages of satanic doctrine? Robert Folkenberg, who is
the president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,
truth, as we understand it for this end time, is real, its relevant, its
defensible, it will stand the test of scrutiny." Robert Folkenberg, from a taped
Question & Answer talk show titled "Issues and Interviews," hosted by Don
Snyder (president of Northern California Conference), February 19, 1993 from
8:00-10:00 pm on KCDS (an SDA radio station in Angwin, Calif).
Let us then
examine and apply the "test of scrutiny" to the current beliefs and teachings of
the church to see if they "understand" them to be the same as the original
foundational beliefs. Or if they "understand" them to be different, and have
changed them into the three satanic counterfeit messages.
In showing
if the SDA church has changed its position on the original understanding of the
Three Angels' Messages, we will be quoting mainly from SDA church publications,
church papers, and taped statements of well known church leaders.
Some will
argue that the various SDA books or the articles in the church papers, which are
both printed off the church's press, carry only the views of the authors and not
the authority of the SDA church denomination unless specifically noted. But
this is not correct!
In regards
to SDA authored books from SDA presses:
"Seventh-day Adventist publishing houses, built by denominational investment,
were instituted not to publish whatever a worker may elect, but to produce the
finest literature possible to give our basic message the widest consistent
circulation in the most representative fashion.
houses...are partners in a threefold compact--they serve and protect the
denomination itself, the denominational publisher, and the denominational
author. They have both a denominational name to safeguard, and a publisher's
name and reputation to protect. They, therefore, have book committees to read,
evaluate, and recommend specific action and improvements on manuscripts. They
have boards to make final decision, skilled staffs to check, edit, and correct
the copy, and put it into acceptable form....
"When the
finished product carries the stamp of a standard publishing house, it bears
denominational approval. It is then a denominational, not a private,
publication. It has a measure of authority and dignity not otherwise possible."
Ministry, December, 1948, p 23, Review and Herald Publishing
authored books carry denominational approval, and are a denominational
publication because they are printed upon the denomination's presses. This
would hold true regarding all the SDA church papers and magazines which also are
printed off of the denomination's presses.
specifically, these are stated to speak for the SDA church: The Voice of
Prophecy programs, and hence its Voice of Prophecy News paper, and The
Signs of the Times. These are "presentations of the Seventh-day Adventist
church." Eternity magazine, September, 1957, quoting the stated positions
of SDA church leaders.
Not only
these papers, but especially the Adventist Review. The Adventist
Review (AR) is called "The voice of the church, for the church." (AR January
20, 1983, p 8). The chairman of their board is the General Conference president
(AR January 20, 1983 p 8), and so the Review "has become inseparable from
the church. Through the years it has told the story of the church, and
continues to do so" (AR October 24, 1985 back page). Besides, the Review
was called "The official organ of the Seventh-day Adventist church"
(Review, May 19, 1966, front cover).
It will be
mainly from these 3 church papers and SDA books from church presses that we will
determine if the SDA church has changed its position on the Three Angels'
Messages or not. We will first state the original foundational beliefs
established by the pioneers and upheld throughout the writings of Ellen G.
White, and then show if the church still adheres only to
these, or if it has changed them into satanic messages.
"And I saw
another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to
preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and
tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him;
for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and
earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." Revelation
Everlasting Gospel is the "Good News" about Jesus and the plan of redemption and
salvation from sin through faith in Jesus Christ--the connecting link between
God and man (John 14:6, Genesis 28:12-13). This glorious gospel declares that
we can be freely justified before God (Isaiah 45:25, Romans 3:28, Galatians
2:16, Romans 3:24, Titus 3:7, 1 Corinthians 6:11, Romans 5:9, 3:4, Matthew
12:37, Romans 2:13, James 3:20-24), obtain grace and strength to stand (Romans
5:1-5, Ephesians 6:10-18, Galatians 5:1), warring against and victoriously
overcoming all temptations and sins (Romans 8:1-2) unto righteousness (Romans
6:16, 5:21) and continued sanctification through Christ and His Holy Spirit
(Jeremiah 23:6, Isaiah 61:10, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 2 Thessalonians 2:13) which
strengtheneth us (Philippians 4:13). This gospel is not "all faith" or "all
grace" which shuts out our efforts, nor is it "all works" which shuts out Jesus.
It is the uniting of divinity and humanity--God working and us working for our
salvation (Phil 2:12-13, Rev 22:14).
questions are answered by this gospel message, such as:
--What is the
Plan of Redemption or Salvation? It is the "conditional" process (2T 691, 5T
692, 3T 481, 1T 440, PP 431, 7BC 931) whereby fallen humanity can be reconciled
back to God (PP 331) by their working participation and union with God (AA 482,
6T 372, Ev 596, DA 296-97, 4T 464) in the keeping of His laws (1SM 218, 225, 5T
515), and in the subduing of every sin in their life through the force of their
will (1SM 82, DA 311, SC 15, PP 248, MB 61, 5T 513, Matthew 11:12, 1BC 1095-96)
to reflect God's righteousness and to vindicate His character before all peoples
(PP 68). Jesus Christ made possible this glorious plan by being born of a
virgin, clothing His divinity with, and becoming one with humanity (DA 363),
taking man's fallen sinful nature upon Him (FE 408, 5T 235, DA 49, 117, 4BC
1147, 1RH 140, 3RH 421, 2SOP 39), and then engaging the strong foe's temptations
with the inward pulling and drawing towards sin, but never giving in to this (5T
177, 7BC 929, Hebrews 4:15, 3ST 264). This was necessary in order for Christ to
experience and overcome the strong temptations with which Satan tempts fallen
humanity, and thus Christ broke Satan's hold upon man (PK 586), and provided
humanity with a perfect example and pattern of how they can also overcome
(Revelation 3:21, 4T 45, 86, DA 49, SD 23, 7BC 925, 5BC 1082, AA 531, MH
never once used His own divine power while on earth (4T 45, CT 276-77, DA 119,
5BC 1124), not even for others (angels did the miracles--DA 143), but completely
worked with and relied upon His Father for help to overcome the great
temptations and to sustain Him in His work (DA 24, 147, 674-75, Ed 80, MYP 58).
Thus Christ had no advantage over humanity, and we can, by uniting with God
through Christ by faith, exercise the same powers which Christ had in order to
live a pure spotless life out of love for God (DA 24, 664). Christ bore,
suffered, and died upon the cruel cross, rose the third day, and ascended to
heaven to minister as our High Priest before God in securing for humanity the
choice to serve God or Satan. Thus the "humanity of Christ means everything to
us" (OHC 48), because if Christ did not take on Him our fallen sinful nature,
but had an unfallen nature like Adam before the fall or of the angels, then He
could not have suffered by being tempted, and would not know what you or I are
going through when we are tempted. Thus He could not know how to succor or help
us out of the temptation! But praise God this is not the case. Christ did have
our fallen sinful nature upon Him, and He did suffer by being tempted. Thus He
can help us in every time of need (Heb 2:10, 16, 18, 5:7-9, 5T
--What is sin?
"Sin is the transgression of the law" of God, or the ten commandments (1 John
3:4, 2:7, Exodus 20:1-17).
--What is
Justification? Justification is the gift from God of full and complete pardon
from passed acknowledged, confessed, and forsaken sins (Proverbs 28:13, 1 John
1:9, 1SM 391, 6BC 1071). Justification is manifested by the transformation of
character (6BC 1071), and is not given or retained while transgressing God's law
(1SM 213, 366, James 2:24). It is not "once justified (saved) always justified
--What is
Sanctification? Sanctification is the continual growing in grace (7BC 947) by
daily studying God's word (1 Corinthians 6:11, 1 Timothy 4:5, John 17:19) and
daily dying to self by conforming to God's will (4T 299). We must keep God's
law to attain and maintain sanctification (CH 69, GC 467, 2T 472). Thus it
means perfect love, perfect obedience, perfect conformity to God's will (Isaiah
5:16, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 2 Thessalonians 2:13, AA 565).
--What does it
mean to "fear God"? To fear God means to love (Deuteronomy 10:12), reverence
(Psalms 89:7), trust (Psalms 115:11), serve (Joshua 24:14, 1 Samuel 12:14, 24),
hope (Psalms 33:18-22, 147:11), keep His commandments (Deuteronomy 31:12-13,
17:19, 5:29, Psalms 112:1), and depart from evil (Proverbs 3:7, 16:6, 2
Chronicles 19:7, Exodus 20:20, Psalms 34:11, 14, Job 28:28, Proverbs
--What does it
mean to "give glory to Him"? To give glory to God means to reflect His
righteous character in your own life and actions (Exodus 33:18-23, 34:5-8, Acts
10:35, 1 Corinthians 15:33-34, Psalms 29:1-2, 86:7-13).
--What does it
mean that "the hour of His judgement is come"? This means that the day of God's
judgment had arrived on October 22, 1844 (Ev 223, 1SM 125, 5T 692). Those who
have chosen to serve God and continued faithful to Him would be judged worthy of
everlasting life (GC 480, 4T 384), but those who choose to reject God and His
means of salvation, and to continue in sin, would be judged unworthy of
everlasting life (1 Peter 4:17, Romans 2:5-9, GC 482-86, EW 280). All our sins
are being written down in the record books of heaven for the purpose of the
judgment (Dan 7:9-11, GC 487, COL 310), and it starts first with the dead, and
then with the living (GC 436, 1SM 125). The judgment does not free us from sin,
but awakens us to the urgency that time is short, and that we must be delivered
through Jesus from sin's prison house before we are individually judged and can
stand in the judgment (GC 436), or we will face eternal destruction (Revelation
--What does it
mean to "worship Him"? To worship God means that we honor, serve and obey God
and Him alone (Psalms 96:9, 29:2, 5:7, 1 Chronicles 16:29, Matthew 4:10, John
4:23-24), that our spiritual allegiance is to God and Him alone and not to any
man or church or government or nation or power (Acts 5:29, Galatians 1:10,
Psalms 118:6, 8-9).
These are
some of the truths contained in the First Angel's Message upon which the SDA
church was raised up and founded upon. But are these truths still only
adhered to by the SDA church? Are these truths the only messages being
held out to the people, or has the SDA church changed these precious truths of
the First Angel into an unclean message?
What does
the SDA church now teach about these truths contained in the First Angel's
What does
the SDA church believe about the Everlasting Gospel being freedom from past sins
through justification, and from sinning through the union of humanity with
divinity in using our will power in putting forth personal efforts to overcome
'everlasting gospel'...is salvation by faith in Jesus Christ apart from any
works of righteousness on our part." Marked! (Mkd), p 39, by Bob
Spangler, Review and Herald Publishing Association (R&HPA),
is by grace alone through faith. Nothing else." Signs of the Times
(SOT), November, 1986, p 19.
miracle of grace...Our continuing and only source of salvation." AR April 21,
1983, p 15.
my husband and I had made the decision, after attending a series of nightly tent
meetings sponsored by the Adventist church, to enter into a covenant
relationship with Jesus....I could relax in my new faith, sit back, and let
God do the rest." AR June 10, 1982, p 10.
statements along this same line; AR October 27, 1983, p 5, AR October 24, 1985,
p 5, AR June 2, 1988, p 10.)
What about
the necessity of overcoming of sin through the union of humanity with divinity
in using our will power in putting forth personal efforts and striving against
"The gospel
is not doing something in order to make ourselves better. It is not reforming
ourselves, using our will power to stop bad habits...this is not the
gospel....Its good news: not that we should do something for God...it is
salvation by faith...'Its all of Grace.'" Voice of Prophecy (VOP) News,
February, 1976, p 6, H.M.S. Richards, Sr.
"'If we
confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse
us from all unrighteousness' (1 John 1:9). This is the overcoming of
sin..." Cornerstone Connections Youth Quarterly (CCYQ), 2nd Quarter,
1994, p 62, R&HPA.
This "all
of grace" "nothing else" doctrine--or that Christ has done it all for us so no
necessity to keep God's law perfectly; that we are saved by "faith alone," just
"let God do the rest," and that Jesus will obey for us and give us all things
necessary for salvation as "gifts"--is the same doctrine which the Nicolaitans
taught (Revelation 2:6, 15, 7BC 957), which God hates!
Yet this
false doctrine is strongly and blatantly taught to the Adventist
"Is our
obedience to God's will (as some assert) composed partly of our efforts and part
of God's? No! Such is not the case!" Mkd 129.
"So if I
find that I am not obeying exactly as Jesus did yet, I don't need to feel
alarm." Obedience of Faith (OOF), p 43, by Morris L. Venden, R&HPA,
is by faith, plus or minus nothing else. Obedience is by faith
alone....obedience has to come by faith alone..." Faith that Works (FTW),
p 159, 161 by Morris L. Venden, R&HPA, 1980.
"It is good
news to learn that obedience is by faith alone, just as forgiveness is by faith
alone." To Know God (TKG), p 96 by Morris L. Venden, R&HPA,
"Forgiveness is a gift, salvation is a gift, and obedience is a
gift...He [Christ] wants to give us victory and overcoming as gifts." TKG
101, 112.
"All we can
do is accept them [obedience, victory, and overcoming] as gifts." Good News
and Bad News About the Judgment, p 47, by Morris L. Venden, Pacific Press
Publishing Association (PPPA), 1982.
"...by His
perfect life...completely fulfilling the law's requirements on man's behalf."
Mkd 89.
[Christ] gives us rest...from our own attempt to overcome sin and the devil, and
from fighting the battles that Jesus has promised to fight for us....Remember
that a gift is a gift." AR December 24, 1981, p 5.
As you can
see, there is little difference between the gospel which the SDA church now
teaches, and the gospel which the other churches of Babylon teach!
In fact,
the SDA church admits this:
Adventists we believe in teaching the gospel, just like most of the churches
around us....We are all saved by grace, not by what we do....
Seventh-day Adventist church is unique not in its preaching of the gospel, but
in the setting in which it is preached." AR Sept 13, 1984, p 7.
What does
the SDA church believe about the Good News being only about Jesus
good news about the Seventh-day Adventist Church..." Pacific Union
Recorder (PUR), September 18, 1989, p 12.
Hence the
gospel is not to bring people to Jesus Christ, but is to bring people to the SDA
church! Christ's great commission is reduced to church growth--bringing in
members, instead of teaching the truth and bringing people to
28:19-20 quoted]. The church has one business: The crucified and resurrected
Lord commanded us to make disciples of men and women everywhere, and,
after making these people faithful disciples, to teach them to become
disciple-makers." AR April 7, 1988, p 23.
What does
the SDA church believe about Christ taking the nature of Adam
after the fall--or taking fallen sinful human nature upon Him, and
not having a different nature than humanity?
Took Sinless Nature of Adam Before Fall." Movement of Destiny (MOD), p
497, by Leroy Edwin Froom, R&HPA, 1971.
had the absolute, perfect, sinless nature of Adam before He fell." Salvation
by Faith and Your Will (SBF), p 93, by Morris L. Venden, Southern Publishing
Association (SPA), 1978.
"...Adventist's believed that Christ's spiritual nature reflected that of
Adam before the fall." Angry Saints (AS), p 132 by George R. Knight,
R&HPA, 1989. (Another statement along this same line: AR February 1, 1990,
p 19-21).
If Jesus
did not have man's fallen sinful nature upon Him, then it would be easy for Him
overcome; hence He would be born differently than you or I in this regard.
Fallen humanity would not stand a chance against sin if this was
But what
does the church teach?
"Man sins
because he is sinful. He is not sinful because he sins....You don't have to sin
to be sinful; all you have to do is get yourself born!...Jesus is the only one
who was born righteous." TKG 22-23.
"Of course
Jesus was born different. He had a sinless human nature, the same as Adam
before his fall...Therefore it was natural for Jesus to be good. I was born
with a sinful nature, and its natural for me to be bad." SBF 86. (Another
statement along this same line: AR June 28, 1990, p 8).
What about
Jesus not using His divine powers while on earth?
"To a
degree, perhaps inexplicable this side of eternity, His [Christ's] substitution
necessitated [using] His divinity...[at end of article in the footnotes
section]...Christ is portrayed...as using His own divine attributes...He could
use His own divine powers..." AR February 1, 1990, p 21-22.
What about
Jesus not having any advantage over fallen humanity?
"When Jesus
took the liabilities of fallen man, there was one that He did not take--man's
sinful nature. He had a spiritual nature from birth...Jesus had no desire for
sin. Can you say that about yourself?...
"All of
this leads us to a very practical question: Did Jesus have some sort of
advantage over us? Yes, He had an advantage over us..." Ministry, May,
1982, p 19.
If Jesus
really was born with a sinless human nature, used His divine powers, and had an
advantage over fallen humanity, then He cannot be a perfect example and pattern
or Saviour from our sins. He would not know what we were inwardly
going through when tempted, nor how to succor and help us overcome sin with
fallen natures upon us; He would only know how to comfort and help those who
have unfallen sinless natures! Thus Christ as our Saviour from sin would be
effectively robbed away from us, and we could never overcome sin! Hence we
would be lost if this is true.
But what
does the SDA church teach?
His humanity [nature] was sinless, Jesus could not experience the
inner...urgings of sinful humans." AR February 1, 1990, p 21.
What does
the SDA church believe about the definition of sin being only the transgression
of God's Commandments?
any life that is apart from God." TKG 22.
"You see,
to the Father sin is a broken relationship, not a specific bad behavior....So
with the friendship model of sin rather than the behavioral model, you answer
the question 'Is it a sin to?'" Guide, August 10, 1991, p 23,
people think of sin as wrongdoing, breaking the law, and so on....Sin means
being separated from God." CCYQ, p 56-57.
"Sin is
simply something you want to do but that some authority figure doesn't want you
to enjoy..." ST November, 1992, p 5. (Another statement along this same line:
Insight, March 12, 1994, p 15)
What does
the SDA church believe about Justification? Is it "once saved always
is only one Justification, and it accompanies the believer from the time of
faith's inception...all the way into the final judgment..." AR August 11, 1983,
p 4.
"Justification settles our present account, but is also applies to our future
as a covering umbrella from the moment we accept Christ until we meet the Lord."
Mkd 125.
What does
the SDA church believe about Sanctification, and Redemption? Is a combination
of faith and works necessary for sanctification and salvation?
is still given people only on the basis of their faith in Jesus Christ,
not because of their faithful keeping of God's law or any of its special parts."
AR April 12, 1984, p 9.
people accept the premise that justification is by faith alone, but find it hard
to turn loose of the idea that there is something we can do to save ourselves in
the process of sanctification. Some consider it dangerous to give up the idea
that the method of living the Christian life is by faith plus works....If we put
our effort and our will-power toward that which is impossible for us to do [keep
God's commandments and overcome sin], then we will end in defeat." FTW
"Can we
ever...receive power [God's grace] to overcome our present sinning? The answer
is no. Sanctification is as much a gift of God as is Justification."
Ministry, January, 1982, p 6.
"All three
[justification, sanctification, and glorification] are included in salvation,
and all come as gifts from Jesus..." FTW 191.
(Christ) completed, once for all, our sanctification and redemption. No one can
add to what He has done." Seventh-day Adventists Believe...A Biblical
Exposition of 27 Fundamental Doctrines (27 Doc), p 128, by R&HPA, 1988.
(Other statements along this same line: AR July 28, 1983, p 8; AR March 22,
1984, p 4).
What does
the SDA church believe about Jesus saving us from our sins, not in our
declares us to be justified, or righteous, before our characters are
changed. God accepts us as His sons and daughters even before we act like sons
and daughters." Mkd 105.
took the initiative to forgive and accept them in their sins..." AR
January 7, 1988, p 14.
What does
the SDA church believe about fearing God by keeping His commandments and
departing from sin?
we can ever do will merit the favor of God." Questions On Doctrines
(QOD), p 108, by R&HPA, 1957.
effort to obey the law of God, however strict, can never be a ground of
salvation. We are saved through...grace alone. Our Lord's sacrifice on calvary
is mankind's only hope." QOD 190.
"It is
wrong for a person to attempt to live the Christian life. We are not asked
to do so." SBF 40.
What does
the SDA church believe about giving glory only to God by reflecting His
righteous character in your life?
"You give
God glory by keeping alert for things that show He's 'alive and a-love'--the
wiggly, licky affection of a puppy, the aerodynamic miracle that is a bumblebee,
the crisp sweetness of ripe watermelon, the damp, sleepy hug of a bedtime child,
the steady pulse of life along your neck." SOT March, 1993, p
What does
the SDA church believe about worshiping only God and Him alone?
"The key
question is not how to worship, but whom to worship....Worship means that the
eternal gospel extends to all nations, tribes, tongues, and people. Worship
means focusing on a God who loves our homelands even more than we do....Worship
means embracing the hope of a New Jerusalem while living with Babylon all around
us." AR Dec 31, 1992, p 10.
What does
the SDA church believe about giving our spiritual allegiance only to
General Conference, then, is the Seventh-day Adventist Church....The embodiment
of the Remnant Church as a Christian Denomination, in a unified world-wide
organization to which all baptized Seventh-day Adventists owe spiritual
allegiance." Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (US Government) vs
Pacific Press Publishing Association (SDA Church), Civ #74-2025 CBR, p 17 (trial
proceedings from 1974-75).
What does
the SDA church believe about the hour of God's judgment has come against sin;
that we must be delivered from the prison house of sin before we are
individually judged; that all of our sins being written down in the record books
of heaven, and if unforsaken sin is found upon us, then we will be judged
unworthy of everlasting life and thus will be condemned in sin to face
"Satan has
triumphed time and again by getting religious people to believe that when they
fall or fail, they are condemned." FTW 192.
"...[Adventists] fear of breaking the law and being counted out in the
judgment. That is not Christianity." AS 143.
"...do we
need to fear the judgment of God? Is the news that the day of God's judgment
has come (see Rev 14:6, 7) bad news or good news?...
"For those
of us who have been sitting out our lives in the devil's prison house,
beaten and bruised by the enemy while living in this world of sin, it is good
news that the judgment is coming soon and that God's justice will be dealt out
against sin. It means that our custody is almost over. It is almost
time for us to be delivered." SOT November, 1986, p 13.
What about
our sins being recorded in the books of heaven for the investigative
"...God is
not keeping a record of our sins up there [in heaven]..." AR September 8,
1988, p 10.
church now teaches that the judgment is to come and deliver us from sin's prison
house, but not to condemn us in continued sinning. Thus people believe that
there is no need to rid themselves of personal sin before being judged, because
the judgment would get rid of their personal sins for them! The people are also
told that there is no record keeping of our sins in the books in heaven. Hence
people believe that personal unforsaken sins cannot be a basis for judging us
unworthy of heaven and eternal life!
Then what
does the SDA church teach is the basis?
judgment scene...makes it clear that the basis for evaluating our fitness for
the kingdom is the way we relate to those most difficult to relate to: the
suffering and the outcast." AR January 7, 1988, p 14 (emphasis in
So with no
record keeping of our sins, and the judgment freeing us from our sins instead of
condemning us in them, how can anyone be condemned, or doomed, or lost? And if
no one is lost, then all will be saved! Does the SDA church believe that no one
will be doomed or lost?
"The word
lost in the New Testament does not mean that someone is damned or
doomed." AR April 1, 1993, p 21. (NOTE: Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of
the Bible translates "lost" (#622) to mean "to destroy, die, lose, mar,
So the SDA
church now teaches that no one is doomed; then who can be lost?
church has changed the Everlasting Gospel, into the doctrine of the
Nicolaitans which God hates! They teach that Christ had advantages over
humanity with regards to overcoming sin, thus they have effectively robbed
Christ away from the people as a personal Saviour saving us from sin,
into a Saviour saving us in sin. They have changed "fear God" and keep
His commandments of righteousness, into fear satan and keep his
commandments of sin! They have changed "give glory to God" by reflecting only
His character of righteousness, into give glory to Satan by reflecting
his character of unrighteousness! They have changed "worship God" alone and
give Him your spiritual allegiance, into worship other things and give
your spiritual allegiance to the SDA church and its leadership! And they have
changed God's judgment against sin, into delivering us from personal sin!
Thus no one is really doomed to die in a lost condition, but all will be saved
in sin.
We can
clearly see that the SDA church has changed the truth of the First Angel's
Message into a message of falsehood, bondage and corruption. So the SDA
church has rejected the truth of the First Angel's Message, and has replaced it
with, and adopted, the first unclean spirit's message!
What about
the Second Angel's Message?
The Second Angel's Message
"And there
followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city,
because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
Revelation 14:8.
fallen represented the fall of the Protestant churches in 1844 because they
rejected the light and truth from heaven of the First Angel's Message (4T 13, EW
274, GC 381-83).
The Roman
Catholic church had already become Babylon many centuries before 1844, and God
had chosen the Protestant churches to reveal His truths to the world. But they
had, as a corporate body, chosen to depart from the side of Christ--her Husband,
and to unite themselves with the world. God mercifully sent the First Angel's
Message to break their harlotrous love affair with the world, and to bring them
back to His side as a faithful bride once again. But they refused, and thus
became Babylon fallen (4SOP 230-240). And the wine of Babylon is her false
doctrines which she is founded upon--namely Sunday observance and the
immortality of the soul (Ev 365, 6T 317, GC 536, 2SM 118, 7BC
Does the
SDA church still teach that Babylon represents Rome and Apostate Protestantism?
What does the SDA church believe that Babylon represents today?
church believes that Babylon is:
-- a modern
"wicked city" (SOT June, 1992, p 29).
-- the
"wickedness of my city" (AR December 31, 1992, p 9).
-- "evil
influences" (SOT June, 1992, p 29).
-- "the
archenemy of Christ and His church" (AR July 13, 1989, p 11).
-- "is still
present as a mind-set or attitude" (SOT May, 1992, p 13).
-- "worshiping
anyone but God alone" (AR October 15, 1992, p 11).
-- "spiritual
compromise" (SOT Special Issue, 1985, p 8).
-- to "attempt
to gain salvation through one's own works" (AR December 31, 1992, p 9. see also
Mkd 150).
-- "...the idea
that I can save myself or that I can 'do it myself,' in terms of living the
Christian life or of getting to heaven" (The Return of Elijah (ROE), p
61, by Morris L. Venden, PPPA, 1982).
-- "...the
futility of building one's life on either a try-harder or a do-as-you-please
principle...both nations and individuals..." (AR September 7, 1989, p
-- "fallen is
racism, child abuse, death squads, loneliness, crack, torture, separation,
death" (AR December 31, 1992, p 9).
-- the
"Collapse of the Soviet Union" (SOT May, 1992, p 12-13).
And the
call to come out of Babylon is now:
-- to "flee
evil" (AR February 16, 1984, p 7).
-- to "come out
of falsehood" (SOT March, 1990, p 28. see also Mkd 83).
-- to "set aside
our natural self-sufficiency and pride and give our wills to God" (Mkd
What about
Babylon's wine being her false doctrines upon which she is founded--namely
Sunday observance and immortality of the soul?
ideology of continued world progress--that man has the solutions to the
besetting problems of our age; that given a little more time, he can, without
divine intervention, produce a better world--is the intoxicating wine
that Babylon has dispensed to the entire world." AR September 7, 1989, p
to the SDA church, Babylon fallen is anything but an apostate corrupt church!
No longer do people need to separate themselves from the Roman Catholic Church,
or the Protestant Churches, or any apostate and corrupt church; but from wicked
cities, evil influences, the archenemy, falsehoods, certain mind-sets and
attitudes, spiritual compromise, working for our own salvation, racism, child
abuse, death squads, loneliness, crack, torture, separation, death, and the
Soviet Union. And Babylon's wine is not Sunday observance, but man's attempts
to make the world better!
We can
clearly see that the SDA church has changed the truth of the Second Angel's
Message into extreme vagueness, falsehood, and is keeping people in bondage to
the real Babylon. So the SDA church has rejected the truth of the Second
Angel's Message, and has replaced it with, and adopted, the second unclean
spirit's message!
What about
the Third Angel's Message?
The Third Angel's Message
"And the
third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the
beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the
same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without
mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and
brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no
rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth
the mark of his name....
"And after
these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and
the earth was lightened with his glory. And he cried mightily with a strong
voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the
habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every
unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath
of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with
her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her
delicacies. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her my
people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her
plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God has remembered her
iniquities" Revelation 14:9-11, 18:1-5.
The Third
Angel's Message basically repeats the messages of the First and Second Angels.
It does not stop here though, but reveals quite a few more areas of
Truths such
Seventh-day or Saturday being the only Lord's day of worship as the Sabbath
(Genesis 2:2-3, Revelation 1:10, 6T 128), that it is the sign or seal of God
(Ezekiel 20:12, 20), and there is no biblical truth supporting a change to
Sunday as the Lord's day (Exodus 20:8-11, Hebrews 4:3-11, Ezekiel 20:12-20, 1
Chronicles 17:27), hence we must keep the Sabbath if we would see heaven (EW 37,
DA 206, 8T 196-98, GC 455, 6T 349, PK 182, 7BC 949, 3T 392, Ev 290, 1T 532, 2T
705, LS 117-18).
Liberty, being the God-given right to study, stand by, and proclaim only His
truth, and to expose error (GC 563-66, 5T 714-16, TM 200-03, 6T
--The Beast,
being Roman Catholicism (Revelation 13:1-8, Daniel 7:8-14, 20-21, 24-27, 8:9-14,
23-25, GC 438-50, 7BC 972), with the foundation of this church being the
Eucharist--a most "blasphemous" and "heaven-insulting heresy" (4SOP 63). Also
the Pope and the Catholic system as Anti-christ (GC 142-43, TM 37), and our duty
is to expose him and the papacy (Ev 233, 1SM 196).
--The Lamb-like
Beast, being the United States of America, which gives life to the Image of the
Beast (Revelation 13:11-17, GC 440-45).
--The Image of
the Beast, being the Protestant Churches which image Catholicism, including the
World Council of Churches (Revelation 13:15-18, GC 443-50, 3SM 385). It is
formed when the churches unite together upon a platform of common belief in
Christ, and "influence the State to enforce their decrees and sustain their
institutions" (4SOP 277-78).
--The Mark of
the Beast, given to those who worship on Sunday after it has become a law, when
they know that it is not God's Sabbath (Revelation 13:16-17, 7BC 976-80, 6T 17,
8T 159, GC 449-50, 578-79); thus we are not to obey the civil authorities in
regards to this law (2SM 375, 380, TM 473, 7BC 910, 6T 193, FE 287, GC
non-immortality of the soul (Job 4:17, 1 Timothy 6:15-16, Hebrews 9:27), that
there is only a grave to rest in death, but no hell to descend into (1
Corinthians 15:51, Acts 13:36, Psalms 88:10-12, Ecclesiastes 9:5-6). And the
gift of immortality only given to the righteous at Christ's second coming (2
Timothy 2:11-12, Job 19:26-27, Revelation 20:4-6, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 1
Corinthians 15:51-52, GC 549-51, 586-87, 1T 344, GW 119-20).
--The wrath of
God, being the literal seven last plagues (Revelation 16, EW 44, 64, 289-90, 5T
211, 634, 9T 234-35).
--The Sanctuary
in heaven (GC 324-29, 351-53, 398-400, 409-36, PP 351-58) with 2 apartments
(Hebrews 9 & 10)--the holy place (Revelation 4:1-5, Hebrews 9:2, 6, 12,
6:19, Leviticus 16:15) and most holy place (Revelation 11:19, Hebrews 9:3-5, 7,
Psalms 28:2, 1 Kings 6:16, 8:6, 2 Chronicles 5:7, Exodus 40:3).
--Christ's work
of atonement in the most holy place, or the 2nd apartment of heavenly sanctuary,
going on since October 22, 1844 at the ending of the 2300 days, and not final
until He finishes His work just prior to His coming (GC 400, 419-22, EW 251-54,
7BC 933, PP 355-58, 5T 472-73).
--Christ as the
Head or first Minister of His church (6BC 1083, AA 360, 1SM 93, 1T 78, 4T 393,
DA 288, SD 303), also our high Priest, and Mediator between God and man (Hebrews
7, 8 & 10, 5BC 1145, 6BC 1061, 1077-78, 1116, 1SM 243,
--The true
church of God, being founded only on Christ and His truth (DA 413, AA 175-76,
595-96, 9T 147, PK 595-96), with the marks of the true church listed in
Revelation 12:17 and 14:12; which "keep the commandments of God," the "faith of
Jesus," and the "testimony of Jesus Christ" (GC 453-54) which is "the spirit of
prophecy" (Revelation 19:10) or the writings of Ellen G. White (TM 114, 1SM 27,
41, Ev 257, 4T 13). Hence these writings have their continuing purpose, and are
still to be followed today (1SM 48-50, LS 198, Publishing Ministry, p 361, 5T
64, 654, 672-91, 3T 257, 260)!
Righteousness of Christ: this precious conditional gift (SD 189, 1SM 377, COL
223, PK 591, SD 369) is imputed by faith to every repentant sinner (6BC 1071-72,
1SM 392, 397, 317, 363, SD 240, 5T 469, 3T 371-72, GW 161, 8T 208-09, MLT 311,
MB 115-16, MM 115), and enables us to be accepted back to God (PP 353), and then
to receive His grace (PP 431, 1SM 351). This grace enables us to overcome all
sin, perfecting holiness in the fear of God before Christ's second coming (PK
175, 4T 567, TM 92, 150, 3T 528, DA 555-56, 1SM 395, AA 531, SD 315, 5T 744).
We must use our will power to take the first step in obedience to God before
His grace comes to help us overcome (Joshua 3:13, 15-17, MLT 100) and Christ's
righteousness imparted to us (7BC 972, Ev 596, 6BC 1096, 1SM 241, TM 92, MYP 35,
DA 439). The law of God is still binding upon the Christian today, and Christ's
keeping of it does not free us from having to keep it also (TM 94, SD 240, TM
131, 6BC 1073). Perfection is not instantaneous (SL 10, 92, MYP 114, 3T 325, 8T
312-13, 1T 340, 2T 472, AA 560-61, 7BC 947, COL 65-66, 1SM 317), but is
progressive throughout the lifetime while striving and advancing upward on the
straight and narrow pathway to heaven (AA 533, 560-61, 2T 170, 408-09, 479, MYP
73, 144-45, 1SM 28, FE 218, COL 315, 5BC 1085, TM 150). Thus while we are on
the earth, no one is saved, or can they say or feel that they are saved until
they are in heaven (1SM 314, 3SM 354). Christ's robe of righteousness will not
cover any unrighteousness nor one unconfessed sin. Hence no one can find
salvation in Jesus while continuing in sin (FLB 113, COL 312, 2RH 232, 2ST 307,
3ST 363, 1SM 396, LHU 150, 6BC 1072, DA 555-56).
Does the
SDA church still believe and teach only these truths of the Third Angel, or have
they also changed these precious truths into corruption?
What about
the Seventh-day or Saturday being the only Lord's day of worship as the Sabbath,
that it is the sign or seal of God, that there is no supporting a change to
Sunday as the Lord's day, and that we must keep the Sabbath if we will make it
to heaven?
"God is
glad for us to go to church both days [Saturday and Sunday]. He wants us to
worship Him both days....Anybody who takes a whole day out of every week
to spend with God will have more of God's power in his life, and God can do more
through him and in him." SOT March, 1990, p 22-23.
phrase 'the Lord's day' in Rev. 1:10....More attention should be given to the
possibility that the phrase refers to an annual resurrection
celebration." The Sabbath in Scripture and History, p 127, R&HPA,
An "annual
resurrection celebration" is Easter Sunday. So the SDA church teaches that "the
Lord's day" or the Sabbath, is not just Saturday, but might be Sunday as well!
In fact, this issue really doesn't matter to the SDA church, because "God is
glad for us to go to church both days."
When the
leadership of the Early Christian church decided to unite with the pagans, the
church became corrupted and the Roman Catholic church was born (see 4SOP 42-46,
195, 396). Its church leaders then gave up the true Sabbath, and implemented
two major steps calculated to lead their Sabbath-keeping members into
worshipping on Sunday.
"In the
first centuries the true Sabbath had been kept by all Christians. They were
jealous for the honor of God, and, believing that His law is immutable, they
zealously guarded the sacredness of its precepts. But with great subtlety,
Satan worked through his agents to bring about his object. That the attention
of the people might be called to the Sunday, it was made a festival in honor of
the resurrection of Christ. Religious services were held upon
step must be taken; the false Sabbath must be exalted to an equality with the
true....the bishop of Rome conferred on the Sunday the title of Lord's day."
4SOP 55.
The two
steps were: to start holding Easter Sunday sunrise services in honor of Christ's
resurrection, and to start calling Sunday the Lord's day. These same two steps
are taking place today within SDA churches around the world; Easter Sunday
sunrise services are common place in SDA churches. But not only is the church
stating that the Lord's day might be Sunday, but an Andrews University SDA
professor--Samuele Bacchiocci--is holding "Lord's day Seminars" throughout SDA
churches, and has written the book From Sabbath to Sunday. In this book
he refers to Sunday as being the Lord's day over 50 times in the first 160
What about
the Sabbath being the sign or seal of God?
Sabbath is the seal of our love and allegiance to a loving
heavenly Father." Robert Folkenberg, AR May 5, 1994, p 18.
Clearly the
SDA leadership have given up the Sabbath, and are leading their Adventist
membership into Sunday worship.
What about
there being no truth supporting a change to Sunday worship?
"What Do
Seventh-day Adventists Believe? Hear pastor/evangelist Jere Webb present a
fresh look at 'The Truth.' Subjects include...'Christ centered reasons for
Sunday worship'..." PUR June 4, 1990, p 27.
What about
the necessity of keeping the Sabbath if we would see heaven?
"If you
don't worship on the Sabbath, are you going to hell? No!" SDA Evangelist
Kenneth Cox representing the SDA church on "Central Florida Live" TV talk show,
hosted by George Crossley, Central Florida TV station WTGL, channel 52, February
8, 1993.
What about
Religious Liberty being the God-given right to study, stand by, and proclaim
only His truth, and to expose error?
in such discussions have been related theological concepts such as the nature of
Christ, the nature of man, the nature of sin, perfection, and the question as to
whether it is possible for a Christian to live a sinless life. In our judgment
these complex theological and biblical issues need not be settled in detail in
order to rejoice in the gracious provision of salvation through faith in
Christ...We are requesting that we refrain from involving ourselves in public
presentations of the fine points and the controversial aspects of the theology
of righteousness by faith....
"We should
all seek to diminish the flood of cassettes, brochures, books, and miscellaneous
documents...This ended the discussion because the voice of the highest authority
had spoken." AR May 24, 1979, p 4-5.
"It is our
responsibility to study the Scriptures for ourselves, to ask for the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, to submit our understandings to those in the church who are
able to judge our findings, and then to abide by the decisions of the church..."
Adult Sabbath School Quarterly, Lesson 13, March 28, 1987, p
will lead in love and understanding, and followership will support the church
leadership unfailingly, even though necessarily critical of some decisions of
leadership." AR October 25, 1979, p 14.
position of the majority group of sane leadership which is determined to put the
brakes on any members who seek to hold views divergent from that of the
responsible leadership of the denomination." Eternity magazine,
September, 1957, quoting the stated positions of SDA church leaders; article
titled "Are Seventh Day Adventist Christians?"
Not only
these items, but the SDA church disfellowships those who become too vocal in
preaching the truth and exposing errors in the church. Also the SDA church in
Australia took to court and sued several Adventists for spreading the original
Three Angels' Messages in newspaper form to nearly 400,000 homes in Australia.
The paper is called The Protestant (See Vital Truths, Issue #12,
1992, PO Box 234, Merlin, OR. 97532).
What about
the Beast being Roman Catholicism, with the foundation of this church being the
Eucharist, and the pope and Catholic system as Anti-christ?
The Beast
is not referred to as being Catholicism, but is vaguely referred to as being
"the false lord" (AR December 31, 1992, p 10), or representing "the forces that
oppose God's last day people" (Robert Folkenberg, AR May 5, 1994, p
"The Beast
represents a form of self-worship..." ROE 72.
What about
the Eucharist being blasphemous and heaven-insulting?
purpose of this essay is primarily to show how Seventh-day Adventist
understanding of the eucharist or the Lord's supper...[and] to highlight
Adventist understanding and practice of the eucharist...
preparation for the celebration of the eucharist Seventh-day Adventists practice
the washing of feet..." Churches Respond to BEM (Baptism, Eucharist, and
Ministry), vol 2 (2BEM), p 341-343, 1985. (This is the SDA churchs'
official response to the ecumenical meeting they were a part of at the Faith and
Order Conference of the World Council of Churches (WCC) of January, 1982 in
Lima, Peru).
Eucharist is also called by the SDA church as being the "central celebration of
the Christian church" (2BEM 341). The church also states; "On occasion
Seventh-day Adventists refer to the eucharist as a sacrament" (2BEM 342). They
also state that SDA's are "conscious of the sacredness of the celebration of the
eucharist" (2BEM 342).
appears this amazing declaration:
"And we
could go on if space permitted--to mention the WCC's... accentuation of the Holy
Spirit and the Eucharist. All of these emphases fit into the ambit of the
three angels' messages." AR May 2, 1991, p 10.
What about
the warning against the Beast or Catholicism?
it is true that there was a period in the life of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church when the denomination took a distinctly anti-Roman Catholic
viewpoint...that attitude on the church's part was nothing more than a
manifestation of widespread anti-popery among conservative protestant
denominations in the early part of this century and the latter part of the last,
and which has now been consigned to the historical trash heap so far as
the Seventh-day Adventist church is concerned." EEOC vs PPPA Civ #74-2025 CBR,
Reply Brief for Defendants, p 4.
work is not to denounce the Roman Catholic Church." PUR February 18, 1985, p
What about
the Pope as being Anti-christ?
"...if he
was taught that the Pope is the anti-christ, I think that would be a
misunderstanding. I don't feel that's what we as a church
anti-christ], that's not a person. That's not an individual..." Kenneth Cox,
WTGL TV interview, February 8, 1993.
What about
the Catholic system as Anti-christ?
anti-christ is not referred to as "the papacy," because the Catholic church has
"defended belief in Christ's fleshly nature" (AR October 27, 1983, p 7). But
the Anti-christ is referred to as being:
-- "former
christians" (SOT September, 1990, p 25).
-- "a mind-set"
(SOT September, 1990, p 26).
-- those who
teach "false doctrine qualify" (AR October 27, 1983, p 7).
-- those who
"draw us away from our commitment to Christ" (SOT September, 1990, p
-- those who
"deny that Jesus is the Christ or the Messiah" (SOT September, 1990, p 25).
[Hence the Devil and all his angels cannot be anti-christ either (Matt 8:29,
Mark 1;24, Luke 4:34)!]
What about
the Lamb-like Beast being the United States?
Lamb-like Beast is not referred to as being the USA, but is vaguely referred to
as being "an idol-making power" (AR October 15, 1992, p 10). Or referred to as
"the antispirit" (AR September 7, 1989, p 22-23).
What about
the Image of the Beast being the Protestant Churches which image Catholicism,
including the World Council of Churches; formed when all the churches unite on a
common platform of belief in Christ, and get the State to sustain them and
enforce their decrees?
The Image
of the Beast is not referred to as being apostate Protestantism, but is vaguely
referred to as being an idol or an image we worship "rather than the
Creator-God" (AR October 15, 1992, p 9).
The Image
is also referred to as setting "yourself up against the Lord of heaven...this
type of idol" (AR October 15, 1992, p 10).
Image to the Beast is enforcing a religious duty by human power....The
combination of belief in God...and trying to obey through your own efforts, is
the Image of the Beast." ROE 77.
What about
the Image being formed when all the churches unite, and the State sustains them
and enforces their decrees?
"If he
[Lamb-like beast or the antispirit] cannot lead us to outright disobedience
(which gives us a mark in the forehead), then he leads us to adopt a token (or
surface) obedience (which qualifies us for the mark in the hand).
"This is
how the antispirit makes an image to the beast. Surface obedience, not rooted
in love, will eventually produce a character like that of the beast." AR
September 7, 1989, p 23.
What about
the warning against the Image--or the Protestant churches, including the World
Council of Churches (WCC)?
church does not warn against the apostate Protestant churches or the WCC,
because they are united with and one of them!
In 1973 the
SDA church, in conjunction with the WCC, wrote a book titled So Much In
Common. George Vandeman also wrote a book praising the apostate churches
titled What I Like About...The Lutherans, The Baptists, The Methodists, The
Charismatics, The Catholics, Our Jewish Friends, The Adventists; Rescuers of
Neglected Truth, PPPA, 1986.
So the SDA
church is not separate from Babylon, but is fully united with them.
"...we love
one another [Christians of other denominations], and work together. That's what
its all about....That's what we [SDA church] are here for--is to profit from one
another [other denominations]." Kenneth Cox, WTGL TV interview, February 8,
church is also part of the National Council of Churches and the WCC (for proof
see "The WCC & the SDA Church")! But
this next church statement should help Adventists to realize that this is
Find Friends At The World Council of Churches." Canadian Union Messenger,
September, 1983, p 5.
What about
the Mark of the Beast, given to those who worship on Sunday after it has become
a law, when you know that it is not God's Sabbath, and that we are not to obey
the civil authorities in regards to this law?
"The Mark
of the Beast principle is that man can...do something that will get him to
heaven and make him acceptable to God." Mkd 88.
"The Mark
of the Beast involves...salvation by works." ROE 73.
Mark of the Beast, which is salvation by works of self-righteousness." Mkd
What about
receiving the Mark of the Beast if we obey the civil authorities and bow to the
Sunday law?
White...[writing about the Sunday laws] told the people do not go contrary to
civil authority." Kenneth Cox, WTGL TV interview, Feb 8, 1993.
And as if
this was not enough, the SDA church teaches that the Mark of the Beast is not
Sunday worship, but refers to Sabbath worship!
Sabbath...[is] God's sign of obedience....But we must beware! Anyone whose
focus is on the Sabbath...who looks at His Sabbathkeeping as the ground of his
salvation...is a candidate for the mark of the beast." AR September 7, 1989, p
What about
the non-immortality of the soul, that there is only a grave to rest in death,
but no hell to descend into; and the gift of immortality is only given at
Christ's second coming?
The Bible
states that "the soul that sins, it shall die" (Ezekiel 18:20). But the SDA
church teaches that no one can overcome all sin, and yet God will not destroy
you, but will make you perfect and take you to heaven giving you eternal life
anyway. That's immortality of the soul!
"...I will
always fall short of my potential....Those who are hungering and
thirsting after righteousness...[are] striving after an elusive goal..." AR
December 6, 1984, p 6.
cannot live without sinning." ROE 95.
"We are
sinners. We will be sinners until Jesus comes, and sinners cannot
produce obedience....All we can do is to give up ever hoping to produce any real
obedience." FTW 175.
"...if we
die to sin at conversion, are we going to sin anymore? We will continue to
sin as Christians--not because we want to, but because we're human." VOP
News, May, 1985, p 2-3, H.M.S. Richards, Jr.
"We should
remember that only when Jesus comes can we be made perfect." Ministry,
December, 1965, p 9.
specious immortality of the soul falsehood, of being able to continue in sin
until Jesus comes and then not being destroyed but made perfect, has also been
applied to the continued apostasy and rejection of God's truth by the
remnant church is Laodicea which undeniably has its problems. But no less sure
is God's offered remedy...The promise that Christ at His coming will 'present it
to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.'"
AR March 7, 1991, p 10.
What about
there being only a grave, but no hell to descend into?
Apostles' Creed, states: 'I believe in God the Father...and in Jesus Christ His
only Son, our Lord, who...suffered under Pontius pilate, was crucified, dead,
and buried. He descended to hell, the third day rose again from the dead,
ascended to heaven...'
"To this
confession...which in principle goes back to the second century A.D., The
Seventh-day Adventist Christian can say whole heartedly, 'Amen!'" AR June 10,
1982, p 4 (emphasis in original).
What about
the gift of immortality only when Christ comes?
"The Bible
presents eternal life as a present endowment of salvation....Not just
later, but now." SOT May, 1992, p 11 (emphasis in
"Our new
relationship with Christ [born again] brings with it the gift of eternal life."
27 Doc 124.
"If we
accept His [Christ's] gospel and believe that the Father is as He represented
Him, we have already entered into eternal life." AR October 8, 1992, p
statement along this same line: AR August 11, 1983, p 7).
If we
really have eternal immortal life now, then we no longer have fallen sinful
natures, but must have unfallen holy natures--or holy flesh! This false
doctrine arose around the turn of the 19th century, and Ellen White warned that
it would revive just before the end came (2SM 36).
Is the SDA
church really teaching holy flesh?
"...we are
born with a nature that enjoys sinning more than not sinning. So we need new
natures....That's what Jesus offers. He promises to change our natures
if we let Him." SOT June, 1992, p 20.
carried us in His blessed arms and purchased for us an entirely new nature, a
new life which He imparts to us..." VOP News, February, 1976, p 7, H.M.S.
Richards, Sr.
What about
the wrath of God being the seven last plagues?
"The third
angel of Revelation 14 warns that in the end the wrath of God, unmixed with
mercy, will be poured out on the heads of unrepentant sinners....God gives up
such people and turns them over to the results of their rebelliousness....Since
faith and love cannot be forced, what else can God do but sadly give up those
who reject Him?
wrath...is His turning away in loving disappointment from those who do
not want Him, thus leaving them to the inevitable consequences of their own
rebellious choice.
"Such [is]
a picture of God's wrath..." SOT July, 1978, p 19.
What about
the Sanctuary in heaven with 2 apartments--the holy place and most holy
"There is a
sanctuary in heaven...In it Christ ministers on our behalf...In 1844, at the end
of the prophetic period of 2300 days, He entered the second and last
phase of His atoning ministry." 27 Doc, 312 (#23).
statement removes the words "most holy place" that were used in the other
statements dealing with the fundamental beliefs of SDA's (1872 #10, 1912 #10),
and replaced it with the words "second and last phase." (Another article not
mentioning two apartments while discussing the Heavenly Sanctuary: AR Feb 16,
1984, p 7-8).
What about
Christ's work of atonement going on in the most holy place (2nd apartment of
heavenly sanctuary) which began only after October 22, 1844 at the ending of the
2300 days, and not final until He finishes His work prior to His second
sacrificial act on the cross--a complete, perfect, and final atonement
for man's sin....That is the Adventist understanding of the atonement..."
Ministry, February, 1957, p 10, 44.
Act of Atonement was completed on the Cross..." MOD 505. (emphasis
in original).
has been completed..." AR February 16, 1984, p 7.
atonement, or reconciliation, was completed on the cross...and the penitent
believer can trust in the finished work of our Lord." 27 Doc,
Seventh-day Adventist do teach that complete sacrificial atonement was made on
the cross. But our pioneers generally did not believe that atonement was made
at the cross." The Sanctuary and the Atonement, p 586, by The Biblical
Research Committee of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists,
R&HPA, 1981.
statements along this same line: AR Nov 6, 1986, p 18; 27 Doc 106; AR January 6,
1983, p 3; AR Feb 7, 1985, p 9; AR March 5, 1992, p 11 (p
This new
position was in direct contradiction to the mass of pioneer literature and
Testimonies dealing with the truth in this issue. So to remedy this
contradiction, the church published this statement:
therefore, one hears an Adventist say, or reads in Adventist literature--even in
the writings of Ellen G. White--that Christ is making atonement now, it should
be understood that we mean simply that Christ is now making application
of the benefits of the sacrificial atonement He made on the cross." QOD
Since the
SDA church has changed this truth about the atonement, and is teaching that it
was completed on the cross, they must deal with the issue that only a priest can
make atonement. Christ was not a priest on earth (Hebrews 8:4), and thus the
atonement could not have been made on the cross.
But what
does the SDA church teach about this?
His earthly ministry Christ was both priest and offering. His death on
the cross was part of His priestly work." 27 Doc 53.
What about
Christ as the only Head or first Minister of His church, our high Priest, and
Mediator between God and man?
Robert H. Pierson is the president of the General Conference and, as such the
first minister of the Seventh-day Adventist church....including myself as its
first minister." EEOC vs PPPA, Civ #74-2025 CBR.
Now if the
first minister or head of the SDA church is not Christ, but the General
Conference president, then who is our high priest or mediator between God and
"We see
here that his [Aaron's] principle responsibility was to act as mediator, as a
link between the holy and profane, between God and man....In like manner the
[SDA] minister of the Gospel today is the high priest....Today we [SDA
ministers] are the high priests....What a tremendous responsibility to act as
mediators between God and man!" Ministry, December, 1961, p 27,
What about
the true church of God being founded only on Christ and His truth, with the
marks of the true church listed in Revelation 12:17 and 14:12; which "keep the
commandments of God," the "faith of Jesus" and the "testimony of Jesus Christ"
or "the spirit of prophecy" Revelation 19:10 being the writings of Ellen G.
White; hence these writings have their continuing purpose, and are still to be
followed today?
"The four
classical marks of the Biblical church apply to Seventh-day Adventists: its
holiness (in Jesus Christ), its catholicity (universality), its
apostolicity (in harmony with the witness of the apostles/founders), its
unity (one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism)" AR October 1, 1992, p 27
(emphasis in original).
So the SDA
church proves its authenticity for being a true biblical church of God today,
not by keeping the commandments or by following the Spirit of Prophecy, but by
being holy, catholic or universal, apostolic, and one or united. Why is this
significant? Because for hundreds of years the Catholic Church has claimed the
exact same four marks as to why they are the true biblical church of
"There are
Four Marks by which the church of Christ [Catholic] may be recognized. It must
be One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic." Converts Catechism of Catholic
Doctrine, p 26, by Peter Geiermann (see also The Catholic
Encyclopedia, p 99).
Truly, the
SDA church images Roman Catholicism, and must be included as being part of the
Image of the Beast--or those Protestant churches which image Roman Catholicism!
In fact, the SDA church images Rome more closely than any other Protestant
church in America!
William T. Hart of the U.S. District Court, North District of Illinois, East
Division, handed down a decision in favor of the General Conference of SDA's who
was being sued by Derrick Proctor. Judge hart stated:
documents that prescribe the church's structure and governance confirm that all
parts of the church are parts of a single entity. Next to the Roman Catholic
church, the Adventist church is the most centralized of all the major Christian
denominations in this country." Derrick Proctor vs General Conference of SDA,
case #81 C 4938, Findings of Fact, Section B, Church Objectives and Structures,
p 22, October 29, 1986.
What about
following the writings of Ellen G. White or the Spirit of Prophecy
"...[the 9
Volumes of the Testimonies For the Church, which was made up of
individual Testimonies] was a particular message to that individual that did not
apply to everybody....So you can't take the Testimonies and make that a general
application to everybody....[So when] God spoke to her...that didn't apply to
everybody." Kenneth Cox, WTGL TV interview, February 8, 1993.
"Her [Ellen
G. White] writings had their purposes..." AS 108.
What about
the Righteousness of Christ enabling us to be accepted back to God, receiving
His grace which helps us to overcome all sin and perfect holiness before
Christ's coming; that the law of God is still binding today, and Christ's
keeping of it does not free us from having to also keep it; sanctification or
perfection not being instantaneous, but being progressive throughout the
lifetime while striving and advancing upward on the straight and narrow pathway
to heaven; thus while we are on the earth, no one is saved, or can they say or
feel that they are saved until they are in heaven; and that Christ's robe of
righteousness will not cover any unrighteousness nor one unconfessed sin--hence
no one can find salvation in Jesus while continuing in sin?
wrongly believe that their standing before God depends on their good or bad
deeds." 27 Docs 121.
need to] give up on the idea that we can ever produce genuine obedience." FTW
is always and only by faith...never of our own efforts." OOF
What does
the SDA church believe about overcoming all sin?
[God] does not expect us to fight sin" SBF 71.
"It is
crucifying to admit that we cannot overcome sin, that we cannot obey, that we
cannot produce righteousness, but that Jesus must do all of this for us."
FTW 172.
"We shall
never reach sinless perfection in this life." Review, May 19, 1966, p
What does
the SDA church believe about working with God for overcoming sin and living
righteously--continually striving and advancing upward on the straight and
narrow pathway to heaven?
"...God has
not called leaders to provide a perfect, unblemished reflection of Christ..."
Church Ministries Worker: A Journal for Church Leaders, January-March,
1987, p 4, PPPA.
"God has
already overcome the power of sin. We do not need to strive again and again to
overcome sin. This is because Jesus has already done this, once for all on the
cross....Is it presumptuous of us to try to overcome sin 'again' in our
lives?...Sin is much too big and powerful for us to delude ourselves like
that....No matter what, we are going to keep on sinning simply because we are
sinners....Having accepting that, though, we do not need to get all worked up
about our failure to overcome sin." CCYQ 60-62, 65.
"Works-righteousness is the religion of the carnal heart, and always has
been....It is not God's will that we make our way up a steep hill to
heaven, bloody and bowed, unsure of whether or not we're going to make it." AR
October 8, 1992, p 9.
statement along this same line: AR March 2, 1989, p 10).
What does
the SDA church believe about the law of God still being binding today, and
Christ's keeping of it does not free us from having to also keep
wrong view is that] we must do something to free ourselves from sin. It is the
[false] spirit that teaches we cannot trust all to Christ, and let Him work out
our own righteousness for us." AS 47.
"...we have
been discharged from the law...[the Spirit] frees the believer from the
law...and fulfills the righteous requirement of the law in him." AR November 17,
1983, p 7.
"'The law
has been carried out. Carried out upon Him [Jesus], so I am free.'" AR
April 6, 1989, p 13.
statements along this same line: AR January 2, 1986, p 13, AR April 18, 1985, p
What about
sanctification or perfection not being instantaneous, but being progressive
throughout the lifetime?
"As to the
believer's past, at the moment of justification the believer is also
sanctified..." 27 Doc, 123
"...perfection [in Christ]...is relative, or vicarious, in-as-much as it
depends on a right relationship to Christ. It is attained instantly by
an intelligent act of the will accepting Christ's imputed and imparted
righteousness, and is retained throughout life unless a person repudiates his
relationship to Christ...He is accounted perfect in heaven, not because he never
makes mistakes, but because, despite his mistakes, God credits him with Christ's
perfect righteousness. Unconditional dedication to the goal, and uncompromising
pursuit of it, are God's only requirements." Review, June 10, 1965, p
What about
no one being able to say or feel that they are saved before entering
"Do you
wonder if you are saved?...Do you believe that Jesus is your Saviour? Have you
confessed your sins? Have you given yourself over to Him? Then, regardless of
how you feel--whether or not you feel 'right'--you are saved....Only
saved people...are conscious of how short they fall of God's
ideal....[Anyone] who loves Jesus knows and can know that he or she is saved."
SOT June, 1989, p 12-14 (emphasis in original).
What about
the Robe of Christ's righteousness not covering any unrighteousness or one
unconfessed sin.
(Christ's) perfect character is portrayed as a wedding garment or a robe of
righteousness that He gives to cover the filthy rags of human attempts to
achieve righteousness." 27 Docs, 114.
"...it is
possible for the growing Christian to discover that he has a known sin going
on in his life and at the same time a continuing relationship with Jesus."
TKG 93.
"...in the
imperfect people around you...you have been able to perceive the robe of
righteousness with which He has clothed them." AR July 5, 1984, p
everlasting gospel] involves the substitution of Christ's perfect
obedience in place of our transgressions, and the substitution of His own
spotless righteousness in place of our sins and pollution.
"That is
the inmost heart of the Everlasting Gospel. That is the sole basis for holiness
in the sight of a holy God....It is His righteousness, not our
achievement. That is the Gospel in glorious operation. That is the First,
Second, and Third Angel's Message in 'verity.'" MOD 634 (1971 edition, emphasis
in original).
What about
no one finding salvation while continuing in sin?
"'But,' you
say, 'I'm not "without blemish,"...Yes, the blemishes and the blame are still
there (as they are for the vast billions of humans everywhere); but
nonetheless Christ's sacrifice in our behalf gives Him the astounding right to
'present' us before the Father and His universe as 'holy in his sight,
without blemish and free from accusation.'" SOT May, 1986, p 27, by Robert
Wieland, (parenthesis and emphasis in original).
"To have
the Spirit of Jesus is one of God's conditions for salvation. Moral perfection
is not....Christians still keep on sinning after they find
salvation in Jesus." SOT November, 1986, p 19.
statement along this same line: AR October 27, 1983, p 7).
So the SDA
church has changed the Sabbath as only being the Lord's day, into
possibly being Sunday, and no necessity of having to keep God's Sabbath in order
to obtain heaven. They have changed Religious Liberty or the God-given right to
study, stand by, proclaim His truth, and to expose error, into only if
the SDA church approves. They have changed the Beast being Roman Catholicism,
into vaguely being the false lord or self-worship. They have changed the
blasphemous heaven-insulting heresy of the Eucharist, into being sacred
and proper for Adventist Christians to practice. They have changed the meaning
of Anti-christ being the Pope and Catholicism, into a mind-set. They
have changed the Lamb-like Beast being the United States of America, into
vaguely being an idol making power, or the antispirit. They have changed the
Image of the Beast being the Protestant Churches which image catholicism,
including the WCC, into being an idol or image that we worship, including
ourselves, or the combination of belief in God and putting forth efforts to obey
church has changed the Mark of the Beast being Sunday worship after it is made a
law, into accepting the doctrine of salvation by works. They have
changed the non-immortality of the soul, with the gift of immortality only at
Christ's second coming, into being the soul that sins it shall live, with
eternal immortal life in our possession now with new holy natures or holy flesh.
They have changed the sanctuary in heaven with 2 apartments, into being
a non-descript sanctuary without apparent division. They have changed Christ's
work of atonement in the most holy place (2nd apartment of heavenly sanctuary)
going on only since October 22, 1844, into being a completed and final
atonement made at the cross.
church has changed Christ as the Head or first Minister of His church, our high
priest, and mediator between God and man, into being the president of the
General Conference as Christ, and the SDA ministers and leaders as high priests
and mediators between God and man. They have changed the true church of God
only founded on Christ and His truth, with the marks of the church listed in
Revelation 12:17 and 14:12, into being the four marks of the Catholic
church has changed the necessity of following the writings of Ellen G. White
today, into a thing only necessary in the past. They have changed the
Righteousness of Christ which enables us to be accepted back to God, and then to
receive His grace that helps us to overcome all sin perfecting holiness in the
fear of God before Christ's second coming, into Christ has done it all
for us, so we just sit back and glide into heaven. They have changed salvation
without sin through Christ's righteousness and personal effort, into
salvation in sin through Christ's righteousness instantaneously sanctifying and
perfecting us because we cannot overcome sin. And they have changed Christ's
robe of righteousness not covering any unrighteousness nor one unconfessed sin,
into Christ's robe of righteousness covering our continuing sinning and
We can
clearly see that the SDA church has changed the truth of the Third Angel's
Message into a message of falsehood, bondage and corruption. So the SDA church
has rejected the truth of the Third Angel's Message, and has replaced it with,
and adopted the third unclean spirit's message!
We can see
with very little trouble that the SDA church has taken all Three Angels'
Messages and transmuted them into another form from their original biblical and
God-endorsed meanings. So the SDA church has rejected all Three Angels'
Messages and replaced them with, and has adopted, the three unclean spirits'
messages of satanic falsehood.
Hence, the
foundational basis for the existence of the SDA church today is not the real
Three Angels' Messages found in Revelation 14, but the three unclean spirits'
messages found in Revelation 16! Thus the SDA church is not doing the work
which God commissioned, but the work which Satan commissioned; it is not
preaching the gospel of God, but the gospel of Satan; it is not fulfilling the
mission of God, but the mission of Satan. So every time you hear the SDA church
talk about doing God's work, fulfilling God's mission, and spreading God's
gospel, it has nothing to do with God at all, but it's all for the Devil. And
if you support the SDA church with your tithe and money, then you are supporting
the work and mission of the Devil and the spreading of satanic falsehood: and
you will be held accountable for every penny (see 6T 448, 1T 261-62, 2T
552, 4SOP 339, 3T 553, 4T 469)!
But the SDA
church has not only rejected and changed these three precious messages, but has
also replaced the true SDA leaders and ministers, who refused to give up these
truths, with new leaders and ministers who preach satanic falsehood from the
hellish torch of Satan (TM 409-410).
The church
has educated a whole new generation of SDA's to accept the false new three
angels' messages, and are now united upon this false new foundation and
platform, as we were warned--"Our religion would be changed"! All this is even
"Not until
some voices ceased, and a new leadership came to the fore in certain
sections, could certain tenets of truth come into their own in general,
unhandicapped acceptance. Pockets of resistance had to die out, with a new
generation coming to the fore uninhabited by past impediments and
circumstances. That took time. The change has now taken place. A new
generation of workers and laity are upon the stage of action....We are now
united upon a sound platform of Fundamental Beliefs. We are now ready for the
great final phase of the Advent Movement--the final, rapid movements that have
been depicted." Eternal Verities Triumphant, p 50, 52, (Syllabus
preceding publication of MOD) by Leroy Froom (very similar statements in MOD
the SDA church has rejected all Three Angels' Messages, and has replaced them
with the counterfeit three spirits' messages. But what does the church say? Do
they admit to changing the Three Angels' Messages? Do they acknowledge that
they no longer believe or teach only the original Messages, and that they have
adulterated, mutilated, and transmuted them into something completely contrary
to God's word? Or do they blatantly lie to the people, making believe that
nothing has changed and all is just like it should be? What are they telling
the people, lies or the truth? Let's ask the SDA General Conference
President--Robert Folkenberg:
Seventh-day Adventist church is privileged, I believe, to have a treasure in our
understanding of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, and particularly the
message of Revelation...the Three Angels' Messages. And the good news is that
the proclamation of the gospel message and the Three Angels' Messages...is our
highest priority by every means possible: through the spoken word from the
pulpit of our churches; through the medium of public evangelism; by means of the
airways and the media; through our institutional program, our publishing
program; and through every avenue that's available to us. That is our highest
objective, and it is the standard against which we measure our
"But take
it clearly from me, there is no adulteration or undermining of any of the
fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist church. Take it as a simple
statement of fact....Please take my word for it. The General Conference and the
Seventh-day Adventist church stand behind our historic Adventist beliefs
unequivocally. We preach them, we preach them clearly and fervently and
compassionately." Robert Folkenberg, "Issues and Interviews" on SDA radio
station--KCDS, February 19, 1993.
The highest
leader of the SDA hierarchical church stoops from all honesty and makes Satan
his father, by blatantly lying to and deceiving our people in this issue! The
only evidence he gives to back up his specious falsehood is "Please take my word
for it." And if the Pope of the SDA church is doing this, then you know it is
throughout the whole church structure. But the only people who will believe
him, and ignore all the evidence to the contrary, are those who are cursed--by
making flesh their arm (Jeremiah 17:5)!
But not
only has the SDA church rejected the Three Angels' Messages, and replaced the
true ministers and leaders with false error believing and preaching brethren,
but in doing these things they have rejected someOne else. They have rejected
the precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
spent 18 centuries preparing for the SDA church to come into existence, making
sure all was ready. Sleeplessly and unceasingly caring and working for His
people and church, opening their eyes to accept and give these three precious
messages which would polarize the world and prepare the way for His coming, and
the ending of sin. Constantly He urged His people forward to reflect His image
and thus to vindicate God's character to the whole universe, and prove Satan's
accusations a lie. And then to have His chosen people and church spurn His
immense love, turn their backs and faces away from Him, gradually rejecting and
replacing His precious Three Angels' Messages with Satan's counterfeit unclean
spirit's messages, to unite themselves with Satan as his harlotrous bride and
church--working to keep people away from ever knowing Christ or His power to
free them from sin:
How many
tears has Jesus shed over this? How much pain has he felt? How much more agony
must He endure? What must He be thinking to see His people remain asleep
believing that all is alright with their SDA church? Oh, may our people awaken
and see more fully what Christ is going through because of a once chosen people
and church rejecting Him, apostatizing from His truth, uniting in harlotry with
His avowed enemy, and working against Him with all the power and subtlety of the
Since the
SDA church has rejected all Three Angels' Messages, which was the sole reason
why God raised up the SDA church in the first place, can it still be God's true
church? NO! It cannot be God's true church anymore, but it has become a
counterfeit of God's true church. And if it is not God's church, then whose
church is it? Satan's! And what is another name for Satan's church listed in
the Bible? Babylon!
church images the harlot mother Roman Catholic church--which is Babylon. The
SDA church is united with the harlot daughter Protestant churches and the
WCC--which is Babylon. And is so closely and ecumenically united with the
fallen Babylon Protestant churches that she is like a sister to them, or a
sister to Babylon! In fact, Sister White warned the SDA church of this very
"We are in
danger of becoming a sister to fallen babylon, of allowing our churches
to become corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, a cage for every unclean
and hateful bird." Last Day Events from the Letters and Manuscripts of Ellen
G. White, p 64 (Letter 51, September 6,
Now if the
SDA church has become a sister to fallen Babylon, or a sister to the Protestant
churches, then who is her mother? Rome! Or the one "old in adulteries"
(Ezekiel 23:43-44). And God even warned His SDA people of this!
every one that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee, saying, As is
the mother, so is her daughter. Thou art thy mother's daughter, that
loatheth her husband and her children; and thou art the sister of thy sisters,
which loathed their husbands and their children." Ezekiel
So as Rome
is Babylon, and Protestantism is Babylon, then the SDA church is Babylon also!
The SDA church is in ecumenical union with all the babylonian churches, so how
else could she be but Babylon!
Now there
are a lot of Adventists who will argue about this issue on the SDA church being
Babylon. They will say: "The SDA church can never be Babylon, no matter if they
have given up the Three Angels' Messages, no matter if they are in harlotry with
the Devil and his followers, and no matter if they are ecumenically united in
agreement with Rome, Protestantism, and the WCC; because the SDA church can
never be Babylon."
With some,
no matter how much you try to show them that there are no promises of God given
without conditions of obedience (FW 47, Ev 695, 1SM 67, PK 293), and that Ellen
White wrote that the SDA church could be converted into Babylon if they
did not meet God's conditions (TM 265, 2SM 68, 8T 250); they still would not
believe. But instead of arguing with them in this issue, may be, just may be
this next point will help these dear brothers and sisters see
church herself would surely know if she was Babylon or not, wouldn't she? What
if the SDA church declared herself to be Babylon, and told all her members to
separate from her? Surely no one could then deny that the SDA church was
Babylon; because the church herself would have stated so!
Did you
know that the SDA church has, in essence, declared herself to be part of
Babylon, and told all her members to separate from her! Did you know that?
Please pay close attention to what the SDA church herself states in the SDA
Encyclopedia, Volume 10 of the Bible Commentary Reference Series, p 410-411,
capstone of the ecumenical effort came with the creation of the World Council of
"On the
basis of Bible prophecy and the writings of Ellen G. White, SDA's anticipate the
eventual success of the ecumenical movement both in eliminating the divisions of
Protestantism and in reuniting Christendom by bridging the gulf that separates
non-Catholic communions from Rome. The ecumenical movement will then
become a concerted effort to unite the world and to secure universal peace and
security by enlisting the power of the civil government in a universal
religio-political crusade to eliminate all dissent. SDA's envision this crusade
as the great apostasy to which John the revelator refers as 'Babylon the
great.' They understand, also, that God's last message of mercy to the
world prior to the return of Christ in power and glory will consist of a warning
against this great apostate movement, and a call to all who choose to remain
loyal to Him to leave the churches connected with it."
What did
the SDA church state to all her members? That any church connected with the
ecumenical movement and united with the WCC was part of Babylon the great, and
that all who choose to serve God must separate from that church. The SDA church
is connected with the ecumenical movement, and is united with the
WCC. So the SDA church has in essence declared herself to be part of
Babylon, and told all her members to separate themselves from
But even
after all this apostasy, rebellion, harlotry, and the giving up of the
Everlasting Gospel along with the real Three Angels' Messages, the SDA leaders
and ministers have the gaul to teach and believe that the SDA church will still
go through to heaven, and that not even the gates of hell can stop
"...in the
case with the [SDA] Laodicean Church, as a church, is different, the gates of
hell shall not prevail against it. The last church will not be spewed out; it
will not be rejected; it will go through triumphantly." Review, November
9, 1939.
the church is under God's grace it 'may appear as about to fall, but it does not
fall.'" AR September 22, 1983, p 14.
prophetic scenario assures us of the church's survival....[It will] go through
until the very end....it does not fall..." AR May 4, 1989, p 9.
Seventh-day Adventist Church will triumph gloriously and will go through
triumphantly, as a corporate body, to the sea of glass." The Early and
Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit, p 183, by Gordon W. Collier, Sr.,
statements along this same line: AR November 25, 1982, p 3, 10; AR July 19,
1984, p 15; AR May 1, 1986, p 18; AR November 2, 1989, p 31).
The church
leaders do not stop here, but even teach that the SDA church today is the same
as the place or city of refuge:
"...[finding the SDA church is] Finding a Refuge." AR November 2, 1989, p
And that
the SDA church is the same as the ark--the ship of safety:
"Many times
pastors have compared the church to an ark of safety, and I believe it is....The
church is a place to preserve our lives..." AR August 7, 1986, p
"Like the
ark, the church will help save God's people..." AR August 9, 1984, p
statement is 'that the gates of hell shall not prevail against' the
church....Let us stay with the ship. The church...is going through and will
surely drop anchor on the 'sea of glass' because a 'Divine hand is on the
wheel'--the hand of Christ." AR July 28, 1983, p 5.
And that
the SDA church is the same as having a ticket to heaven, and hence our walk with
God and our salvation is connected with church membership:
"The local
(SDA) church becomes the 'port of entry' to the kingdom of God." AR October 1,
1992, p 23.
"Your walk
with God has a great deal to do with your desire to come back to church....As
you return, seek Him. He has promised that you will find Him....You won't drop
out again as long as you continue to grow in Him." AR November 2, 1989, p
"There is
some relationship between salvation and church membership." AR August 9,
1984, p 18.
In fact,
they even teach that the SDA church is on a par with God Himself!
"I appeal
to all who are outside the fold [SDA church] just now....If you are not here, He
[Christ] misses you....The Father owns the house. Return to Him. For
every good love story should have a happy ending." AR November 2, 1989, p
"...when we
backslide from the church, we also backslide from God." AR June 2, 1988, p
But is this
true? Is the SDA church, or any church--even the true church--the city of
refuge or the ark of safety for God's people today? Who is the real "city of
refuge" for the weary to find rest in? And who is the real "ark of safety" in
which we must find shelter from the storm and tempest soon to come? Jesus
Christ our Lord and Saviour!
Jesus is
the city of refuge (PP 516-17, COL 158, SD 79); Jesus is the place for the weary
to find rest in (Isaiah 28:12, SD 298, DA 328-32, 5T 410, 2T 562-63); Jesus--the
truth--is the ark of safety (5T 279, Ev 397, MM 317, 2RH 102); and Jesus is the
shelter from the storm and tempest soon to come (TM 182, GC 654)! No
church--including the true church--can be our city of refuge or our ark of
safety! We must be hid in Jesus and Him only, not in any group or any church!
Jesus is our only hope!
This false
catholic teaching of the church being the city of refuge or the ark of safety,
is the reason why our people are told that if they drop their membership and
leave the safety of the SDA church, they would be lost! Why? Because the SDA
leaders and ministers have replaced Christ with themselves, replaced God with
their church: and with these replacements, if you leave the church then you
would believe that you have left God and Christ. Hence you would believe that
you are lost!
catholic teaching is so firmly entrenched in some SDA minds that even after they
decide to physically leave the corrupt SDA church, they still retain their names
on the corporate membership roll. They still retain a foot in mother's door,
still holding on to mother's apron string, still touching or remaining connected
with the corrupt mother church just in case the corporate church, with all its
listed members, did indeed make it to heaven in the end!
But is this
position acceptable in God's sight? Does your name on the membership rolls of
an apostate church of Babylon, who has rejected light from heaven, mean
"My [Ellen
White's] brother continued to fail rapidly. If he felt a cloud shutting Jesus
from him, he would not rest until it was dispelled, and bright hope again
cheered him. To all who visited him, he conversed upon the goodness of God, and
would often lift his emaciated finger, pointing upwards, while a heavenly light
rested upon his countenance, and say, 'My treasure is laid up on high.' It was
a wonder to all that his life of suffering was thus protracted. He had a
hemorrhage of the lungs, and was thought to be dying. Then an unfulfilled
duty presented itself to him. He had again connected himself
with the Methodist church. He was expelled in 1843 with the other members of
the family, on account of his faith. He said he could not die in peace until
his name was taken from the church-book, and requested father to go immediately
and have it taken off.
"In the
morning father visited the minister, stating my brother's request. He said that
he would visit him, and then if it was still his wish to be considered no
longer a member of their church, his request should be granted. Just before
the minister arrived my brother had a second hemorrhage, and whispered his fears
that he should not live to do this duty. The minister
visited him, and he immediately expressed his desire, and told him he could not
die in peace until his name was taken from the church-book; that he
should not have united with them again if he had been standing in the
light....Soon after this my brother fell asleep in Jesus, in full hope of
having a part in the first resurrection." Spiritual Gifts, Volume
Two, p 163-64.
There is
nothing written in the Bible or the Spirit of Prophecy that is not for our
contemplation and learning. So this testimony has significance for us today!
Removing our names from the rolls of a church which has apostatized, rejected,
and changed the truths of the Three Angels' Messages into falsehood, is called
"an unfulfilled DUTY." And this duty was carried out before Ellen White's
brother had "full hope of having a part in the first resurrection"! Hence,
there is a duty to leave any church which had rejected these messages from
heaven. And especially is this the case with the Seventh-day Adventist church,
because what other church has had, and rejected, greater light than the SDA
What does
God want His people to do with a church that has a form of godliness, but denies
the power? Does God want his people to remain touching, connected, retaining a
foot in the door, or continuing to hold on to the apron strings of a corrupt
apostate unclean church which has rejected the truths of the First, Second, and
Third Angels' Messages?
"Having a
form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away" 2
Timothy 3:5.
have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather
reprove them" Ephesians 5:11.
"Depart ye,
depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the
midst of her; be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord"
Isaiah 52:11.
"Be ye not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with
darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that
believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with
idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell
in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my
come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not
the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you,
and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty" 2 Corinthians
One of the
key words used here is "touch not." Even if you have left an apostate harlot
church, but have not removed your membership from the roll-books, your
membership still connects you--or touches you--with that unclean church. Hence
you would be touching the unclean thing by retaining your membership! You would
be unclean by this touch, and considered a partaker with the harlot church in
it's sins!
When a
priest of Israel, who was consecrated and made holy to minister before God, had
come in contact with a dead body--even if it was but the slightest touch of the
hem of his garments--his whole person was contaminated and declared unclean.
According to the God-given process of cleansing found in Numbers chapter 19,
the unclean priest had to separate himself from the church and camp of Israel,
and be cleansed twice--on the first day and on the last day. This cleansing
process involved running water being poured through the ashes of a red heifer
which had been sacrificed. If after being cleansed, the worker of God went back
to the camp of Israel and touched the dead body again, he would become unclean
and would have to go through the whole process once again of separation out of
the camp in order to be cleansed.
sacrificed red heifer represents Christ--the Word of God. The running water
represents the purifying action of the Holy Spirit cleansing us through the Word
of God. And the dead body represents a spiritually dead church. So by our
connection to and membership in a spiritually dead church body, even if it is
just the slightest touch, makes us unclean and unfit to minister or work for a
holy God. And the only God-given way in which we can become cleansed and
accepted back to Him, is to separate ourselves completely from that unclean
church, be cleansed twice by Christ's sacrifice and the purifying work of the
Holy Spirit, and then not to reconnect ourselves with that dead unclean church.
We can warn others about where the unclean and dead church is, and what to do
if they are touching it. But if we want to serve and witness for a holy God, we
dare not touch or reconnect ourselves to the church again.
This same
issue can be clearly seen when looking at a muddy pool of water. While standing
in a pool of muddy water, even if we move to its most shallowest edge, we are
still contaminated by the mud. We can use all the soap and pour all the clean
and pure water over our heads, and yet we are not completely cleansed because
our feet are still connected with the mud. We may even manage to be clean and
spotless everywhere else on our body, but by our feet being allowed to remain in
the mud, we are not completely cleansed or fully spotless. And we will never be
completely cleansed and fully spotless until we break all our connection with
the muddy pool, get out of the mud, and are cleansed with soap and pure water.
And in order to remain fully clean, we must not touch or reconnect ourselves
with that unclean muddy pool again. We can and must warn others about where the
unclean and muddy pool is, and what to do if they are touching and thus
contaminated by it. But if we want to remain clean and spotless, we dare not
touch or reconnect ourselves to it again.
So even by
the slightest touch or unity with the unclean, impure harlot church, we would
ourselves become unclean!
"Can a man
take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot
coals, and his feet not be burned?" Proverbs 6:27-28.
"Can two
walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3.
"We are
exhorted, 'touch not the unclean.' Those who associate with the impure,
themselves become impure. If we choose the society of the ungodly, we
shall be affected by their ungodliness." 2RH 255 (Oct 23,
"You are
exhorted to touch not the unclean thing; for in touching this, you will
yourself become unclean. It is impossible for you to unite with
those who are corrupt, and still remain pure. 'What fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
and what concord hath Christ with Belial?' God and Christ and the heavenly
host would have man know that if he unites with the corrupt, he
will become corrupt." 6BC 1102 (4RH 137, January 2,
By our
willing choice to remain associated with, or by retaining our membership in, a
corrupt apostate church, we are made partakers in the sins of the church--being
made corporately responsible in all church's wickedness. Thus we are one with
this unclean woman, and we will receive the same punishment as our apostate
harlot church does!
"Know ye
not that your bodies are the members of Christ? Shall I then take the members
of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid. What? Know ye
not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? For
two, saith He, shall be one flesh" 1 Corinthians 6:16.
"And I
heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, My people, that ye
be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of
her plagues" Revelation 18:4.
If we
choose to remain connected with the apostate harlot babylonish SDA
church--either by our presence or by our names on the church roll-books, then we
choose to be a partaker in all the sins of the church, and thus we will receive
the plagues right along with the church we love more than following the will of
Jesus is
not united with, or a part of, a harlot! And the SDA church is a
"In the
balances of the sanctuary the Seventh-day Adventist church is to be
weighed....Why is there so dim a perception of the true spiritual condition of
the church?...The heavenly Teacher inquired: 'What stronger delusion can beguile
the mind than the pretense that you are building on the right foundation and
that God accepts your works, when in reality you are working out many things
according to worldly policy and are sinning against Jehovah?...
"I saw our
Instructor pointing to the garments of so-called righteousness. Stripping them
off, He laid bare the defilement beneath. Then He said to me: 'Can you not see
how they have pretentiously covered up their defilement and rottenness of
character? 'How is the faithful city become a
harlot!' My Father's house is made a house of merchandise, a
place whence the divine presence and glory have departed."
8T 247-50.
So Jesus is
not united with, or a part of, the harlot SDA church! And neither should we
(John 12:26). Neither is Christ united with, or a part of, Satan or his unclean
spirit's messages coming from the SDA church! But Jesus is separate and
distinct from the SDA church and the satanic messages which they now have chosen
to teach. And He is beckoning with open waiting arms for His people to come
away from all the corruption, all the apostasy, away from a church which rejects
heaven's light and preaches satanic falsehoods, and to come into His loving arms
This loving
and merciful message of separation is not just going to the SDA church, but to
all the churches. "All nations [denominations or churches--7BC 979] have drunk
of the wine of the wrath of her [Babylon's] fornication" (Revelation 18:3).
They all, without exception, have fallen!
Christ does
not what to see His people--whom He has imprinted upon the palms of His hands,
fall along with their harlot church. So He is calling them to come completely
away from the harlot churches, and join Him before the plagues
separation struggle is not easy, but it is absolutely necessary for salvation
and the saving of our souls!
"Flee out
of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her
iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance...My people, go ye out of
the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce anger
of the Lord" Jeremiah 51:6, 45.
We cannot
hold on to a corrupt church with one hand, and to Jesus with the other! It is
either the corrupt apostate harlot church, or the pure spotless and loving
Saviour Jesus Christ. No matter how hard this struggle is, no matter how many
friends we lose, or how many sneers and verbal abuses we have to endure; is not
Jesus worth it? Any hardship that we endure, or the loss of anything or
everything that we hold dear, is worth it--if we may be held in the loving
strong and merciful arms of our Saviour!
There is a
heaven to win and a hell to shun. And the SDA church leads to, and is going to,
hell and not to heaven!
"Of those
who boast of their light, and yet fail to walk in it, Christ says, 'But I say
unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment,
than for you. And thou, Capernaum [Seventh-day Adventists, who have had
great light], with art exalted unto heaven [in point of privilege], shalt be
brought down to hell...'
"'And now,
because ye have done all these works, saith the Lord, and I spake unto you,
rising up early and speaking, but ye heard not; and I called you, but ye
answered not; therefore will I do unto this house, which is called by My
name, wherein ye trust, and unto the place which I gave to you and
to your fathers, as I have done to Shiloh. And I will cast you out of my
sight, as I have cast out all your brethren, even the whole seed of Ephraim'"
3RH 69, August 1, 1893 [brackets in original].
God does
not want you to be brought down to hell along with the SDA church, but He cannot
force you to leave the church either. It is a free willing choice on our part
either to leave and join Christ, or to stay in league with the Devil and his
church. Either we follow the commandments and sayings of God and gain eternal
life, or we follow the commandments and sayings of men and are lost (Mark 7:6-7,
Colossians 2:22). Either we make God our trust and are blessed (Psalms
125:1-2), or we make flesh our arm and are cursed (Jeremiah 17:5). Either we
follow God's will in bearing the cross of separation "out of the camp" (Hebrews
13:12-13), or we follow our own will in walking "in the sparks" of our own
kindling (Isaiah 50:11).
Is your
church more precious to you than Jesus? The choice is now up to
"If it seem
evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as
for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15.
whosoever heareth these sayings of Mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a
wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the
floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for
it was founded upon a rock.
"And every
one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened
unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended,
and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell:
and great was the fall of it" Matthew 7:24-27.
"Here and
there an individual member of a family is true to the convictions of his
conscience, and is compelled to stand alone in his family or in the church to
which he belongs, and is finally compelled, because of the course of those with
whom he associates, to separate himself from their companionship. The line of
demarkation is made distinct. One stands upon the word of God, the others
upon the traditions and sayings of men" 3RH 169, July 24,
By elder robert sessler

AA................................ Acts of the Apostles.
1-7BC........................... SDA Bible Commentary, vol
CH................................ Counsels on Health.
COL.............................. Christ's Object Lessons.
CT................................ Counsels to Parents and
DA................................ Desire of Ages.
Ed................................ Education.
Ev................................ Evangelism.
EW............................... Early Writings.
FCE.............................. Fundamentals of Christian
FLB............................... Faith I Live By.
FW................................ Faith and Works.
GC................................ Great Controversy.
GW............................... Gospel Workers.
LHU.............................. Lift Him Up.
LS................................ Life Sketches of Ellen G.
MB................................ Mount of Blessings.
MH............................... Ministry of Healing.
MLT.............................. My Life Today.
MM............................... Medical Ministry.
MYP............................. Messages to Young People.
OHC............................. Our High Calling.
PK................................ Prophets and Kings.
PM................................ Publishing Ministry.
PP................................ Patriarch and Prophets.
1-6RH........................... Review and Herald Articles, vol
SC................................ Steps to Christ.
SD................................ Sons and Daughters of
SL................................ Sanctified Life.
1-3SM.......................... Selected Messages, book 1-3.
1-4SOP........................ Spirit of Prophecy, vol 1-4.
ST................................ Signs of the Times Articles, vol
1-9T.............................. Testimonies for the Church, vol
TM................................ Testimonies to
AR................................ Adventist Review.
AS................................ Angry Saints.
2BEM........................... Churches Respond to BEM, vol
CCYQ........................... Cornerstone Connections Youth
Doc......................... Seventh-day Adventist's Believe.
FTW............................. Faith That Works.
MOD............................. Movement of Destiny.
OOF............................. Obedience of Faith.
PUR............................. Pacific Union Recorder.
QOD............................. Questions on Doctrines.
ROE............................. The Return of Elijah.
SBF.............................. Salvation By Faith.
SOT.............................. Signs of the Times.
TKG.............................. To Know God.
News................... Voice of Prophecy News Magazine.