Many of our dear brothers and sisters have been taught that they must continue to cling to the name "Seventh-day Adventist" after they have chosen to completely disconnect themselves from the SDA church denomination. Even though Bible and Spirit of Prophecy evidence has already been given (see The Battle Over the Name "Seventh-day Adventist" part 1) on this issue showing that we are in a new Movement, that it is God's will for His people to distinguish themselves in name from past churches of apostasy, and that God will call His servants today by a different name, yet many may still be confused. It is for their sakes that we will now address some of the major objections raised against calling ourselves "Sabbath Remnant" instead of "Seventh-day Adventist".
The first major objection to calling ourselves by a different name other than "Seventh-day Adventist" is because many have been taught that the name "Seventh-day Adventist" appears on the banner of God which He commands is to be lifted up and borne before the unbelieving world till the end.
The foundation for which this belief seems to be based upon is from the following testimony found in Selected Messages, book 2, p 384-385, which we will quote in its entirety including headings:
"A Distinctive Name and People
"Our Distinctive Sign
"The banner of the third angel has inscribed upon it, 'The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.' Our institutions have taken a name which sets forth the character of our faith, and of this name we are never to be ashamed. I have been shown that this name means much, and in adopting it we have followed the light given us from heaven...The Sabbath is God's memorial of His creative work, and it is a sign that is to be kept before the world.
"There is to be no compromise with those who are worshiping an idol sabbath. We are not to spend our time in controversy with those who know the truth, and upon whom the light of truth has been shining, when they turn away their ear from the truth to turn to fables. I was told that men will employ every policy to make less prominent the difference between the faith of Seventh-day Adventists and those who observe the first day of the week. In this controversy the whole world will be engaged, and the time is short. This is no time to haul down our colors.
"A company was presented before me under the name of Seventh-day Adventists, who were advising that the banner or sign which makes us a distinctive people should not be held out so strikingly; for they claimed it was not the best policy in securing success to our institutions. This distinctive banner is to be borne through the world to the close of probation. In describing the remnant people of God, John says, 'Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus' (Rev. 14:12). This is the law and the gospel. The world and the churches are uniting in harmony in transgressing the law of God, in tearing away God's memorial, and in exalting a sabbath that bears the signature of the man of sin. But the Sabbath of the Lord thy God is to be a sign to show the difference between the obedient and the disobedient. I saw some reaching out their hands to remove the banner, and to obscure its significance...
"When the people accept and exalt a spurious sabbath, and turn souls away from obedience and loyalty to God, they will reach the point that was reached by the people in the days of Christ... Shall anyone then choose to hide his banner, to relax his devotion? Shall the people whom God has honored and blessed and prospered, refuse to bear testimony in behalf of God's memorial at the very time when such a testimony should be borne? Shall not the commandments of God be more highly esteemed when men pour contempt upon the law of God? --Manuscript 15, 1896."
Many individuals believe that in this testimony Ellen White was warning us to beware of giving up the name "Seventh-day Adventist". That the name "Seventh-day Adventist" is written on a sign or banner that God commands to be kept before the unbelieving world to the end. That some would seek to hide and lower this banner, haul down their colors, relax their devotion, no longer bear testimony about God's Sabbath to an unbelieving world; and all because they refused to identify themselves as "Seventh-day Adventist".
Closely examine this testimony. Not a single one of these beliefs are clearly advocated! In fact, not a single one of these beliefs can be found clearly taught anywhere throughout the entire Spirit of Prophecy writings!
In forming a belief, we must gather and examine all the inspired statements of truth on any particular subject BEFORE we make our decision, take our stand upon, and advocate this belief to others. In examining all that God has to say on any subject, we will be able to see the complete picture of truth, make a clear decision, and then take a solid stand upon and advocate this belief to others. But if we try to do this with just one or two unclear or uninspired statements, then we are wide open to taking an extreme position and deviating from solid truth. This we must avoid at all costs, especially because we do not want to bring reproach upon God's cause, nor lead anyone astray!
So let us follow this safe advice and examine exactly what the Spirit of Prophecy has to say about this banner of God. Is the name "Seventh-day Adventist" really written on this banner which God commands us to bear throughout all the unbelieving world until the end?
"The banner of the third angel has inscribed upon it, 'The commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.'" Manuscript Releases, vol 13, p 68 (also 2SM 384; 3SM 42; 5T 501; Youth's Instructor, August 3, 1887; Manuscript Releases, vol 9, p 133).
"... The banner on which are written the words: 'Here is the patience of the saints: here are they which keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.' Revelation 14:12." Testimonies, vol 8, p 153-154 (also CWE 102).
"... A banner on which is inscribed the words 'The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.' 'Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.'" Manuscript Releases, vol 4, p 246 (Letter 95, March 14, 1905) .
"...[a] banner, upon which was written, 'Purity and holiness unto the Lord.'" Early Writings, p 211.
"Write the name of Christ upon your banner..." That I May Know Him, p 341.
So this banner of God has the following words inscribed upon it: "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they which keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus" Revelation 14:12. "Which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ" Revelation 12:17. "Purity and holiness unto the Lord" 1 Timothy 4:12; Exodus 28:36; 2 Corinthians 7:1. And the precious name of "Christ." No where are the words "Seventh-day Adventist" to be found written on this banner. But this is not all to this subject.
In searching through the Spirit of Prophecy on this subject, you will also discover the following about this banner of God:
"A large company of heathen idolaters bore a black banner, upon which were figures of the sun, moon, and stars. This company seemed to be very fierce and angry. I was then shown another company bearing a pure white banner..." Early Writings, p 211.
"[You stand]...either under the banner of the Prince of light or under the banner of the prince of darkness." Youth's Instructor, March 9, 1893.
"Satan has called this world his territory. Here his seat is, and he holds in allegiance to himself all who refuse to keep God's commandments, who reject a plain, 'Thus saith the Lord.' They stand under the enemy's banner; for there are but two parties in the world. All rank either under the banner of obedience or under the banner of the disobedient." SDA Bible Commentary, vol 5, p 1119.
"There are only two parties upon the earth--those who stand under the blood-stained banner of Jesus Christ and those who stand under the black banner of rebellion." Manuscript Releases, vol 14, p 161.
"Everywhere the people are taking sides; all are ranging themselves either under the banner of truth and righteousness or under the banner of the apostate powers that are contending for the supremacy. At this time God's message to the world is to be given with such prominence and power that the people will be brought face to face, mind to mind, heart to heart, with truth." Testimonies, vol 7, p 150-151.
This banner of Jesus Christ--the Prince of light, is pure white, is blood-stained, and is a banner of obedience, of truth, and of righteousness. Thus this banner is a symbol representing our stand for God, Jesus Christ, purity, righteousness, our obedience to God's commandments and His truth--especially in keeping His Sabbath day holy!
So all of God's true people are commanded to enlist "under the banner of the Prince of Light", and not under the literal name of "Seventh-day Adventist". They are commanded to stand under the "blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel", and not under the literal name of "Seventh-day Adventist". They are commanded to stand under the "banner of obedience", the "banner of truth and righteousness", and not under the literal name of "Seventh-day Adventist."
To further substantiate this fact, God did not give this banner into the hands of the SDA people after they chose the name "Seventh-day Adventist" in the 1860's, but He gave this banner to them many years before they chose this name!
"The passing of the time in 1844 was a period of great events, opening to our astonished eyes the cleansing of the sanctuary transpiring in heaven, and having decided relation to God's people upon the earth, [also] the first and second angels' messages and the third, unfurling the banner on which was inscribed, 'The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.' One of the landmarks under this message was the temple of God, seen by His truth-loving people in heaven, and the ark containing the law of God. The light of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment flashed its strong rays in the pathway of the transgressors of God's law. The nonimmortality of the wicked is an old landmark. I can call to mind nothing more that can come under the head of the old landmarks." Counsels to Writers and Editors, p 30-31.
So this banner of God's truth was already in existence by the year 1844! Thus some 16 years before the literal name of "Seventh-day Adventist" was thought of and then chosen by our people, this banner of God was in existence and was already afloat before the unbelieving world!
This clearly reveals to all who desire to see that the literal name "Seventh-day Adventist" figures nowhere in the subject of God's people taking His banner and bearing it before the unbelieving world to the end. And those who continue to believe or advocate such an extreme idea are but misinterpreting and twisting inspiration to teach what it does not.
Dear ones, I hope you can clearly see that this banner represents our message of present truth, and not the literal name of a people or of a church who follow this truth--even if they consider themselves to be the true "Seventh-day Adventist" people of God!
"...holding aloft the banner on which is inscribed our message: 'The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.'" Manuscript Releases, vol 9, p 133.
"A banner has been placed in our hands, upon which is inscribed, 'Here is the patience of the saints: here are they which keep the commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus.' This is a distinct, separating message, a message that is to give no uncertain sound." Counsels to Writers and Editors, p 102.
So with this clear definition, that God's banner has written upon it our distinctive separating message of Revelation 14 and 18--especially the Sabbath of God, let us re-read an important paragraph from the opening testimony and apply this correct understanding to it.
"A company was presented before me under the name of Seventh-day Adventists, who were advising that the banner or sign (our present truth message--especially the Sabbath) which makes us a distinctive people should not be held out so strikingly; for they claimed it was not the best policy in securing success to our institutions. This distinctive banner (our present truth message--especially the Sabbath) is to be borne through the world to the close of probation. In describing the remnant people of God, John says, 'Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus' [Rev. 14:12]. This is the law and the gospel. The world and the churches are uniting in harmony in transgressing the law of God, in tearing away God's memorial, and in exalting a sabbath that bears the signature of the man of sin. But the Sabbath of the Lord thy God is to be a sign to show the difference between the obedient and the disobedient. I saw some reaching out their hands to remove the banner (our present truth message--especially the Sabbath), and to obscure its significance."
It is this banner-the banner bearing God's message of present truth, especially the Sabbath, which was given into the hands of Seventh-day Adventists to bear to the world, and not that Seventh-day Adventists were to bear their own church name to the world as this banner. Please understand this difference.
"I saw you holding up the banner on which are written the words: 'Here is the patience of the saints: here are they which keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.' Revelation 14:12. Several men, some of them those with whom you are connected in the Sanatarium, were presenting to you a banner on which was a different inscription. You were letting go the banner of Seventh-day Adventists, and were reaching out to grasp the banner presented to you...
"I was instructed that you and your fellow laborers were in danger of hiding the principles of our faith in order to obtain large patronage. Every jot done in this line, instead of extending the influence of truth, will hinder its advance." Testimonies, vol 8, p 153-154.
"Those who act as managers and overseers in our sanitariums are not to make the world's policy their criterion; for the sign of God, as defined in Exodus 31:12-17, is to be revealed in all its comprehensive meaning. The proper observance of the Sabbath day by all connected with our sanitariums will exert an untold influence for good. Every medical institution established by Seventh-day Adventists is to bear God's sign before the world prominently, without disguising the facts in any way. We are to voice the message of the third angel flying in the midst of heaven with the everlasting gospel to proclaim to the world. We are to bear aloft the banner on which is inscribed, 'The Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.'" Medical Ministry, p 164.
So the banner given into the hands of Seventh-day Adventists to bear to the world, is not their own church name, but it is the principles of truth contained in God's inspired word--especially the Sabbath. The individual mentioned was letting go of the banner containing the messages of truth, and not letting go of the name "Seventh-day Adventist". It was also the proper observance of God's sign--the Sabbath day--by all connected with the sanitariums, that would exert untold influence for good, and not the fact that all the patients were told over and over again that the name of the sanitarium was "Seventh-day Adventist".
Thus if we should not identify ourselves as "Seventh-day Adventist" today, we would not be lowering the banner of God into the dust, because this literal name is nowhere to be found written on this banner. "We are to bear aloft the banner on which is inscribed, 'The Commandments of God and the faith of Jesus'", not "The Seventh-day Adventist" name! But if we should rebel and refuse to stand for God's commandments, or if we hide, compromise, give up, or reject God's truths, then, regardless of what literal name we identify ourselves by, we are indeed laying down our arms, hiding our true colors, lowering God's banner into the dust, and we become the captives of Satan.
"One came and took out of your hand the banner bearing the words, 'The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus,' and it was trampled in the dust." Selected Messages, book 3, p 42.
"Our work is an aggressive one, and as faithful soldiers of Jesus, we must bear the blood-stained banner into the very strongholds of the enemy... If we will consent to lay down our arms, to lower the blood-stained banner, to become the captives and servants of Satan, we may be released from the conflict and the suffering. But this peace will be gained only at the loss of Christ and heaven." God's Amazing Grace, p 333.
By lowering God's banner, and becoming the captives of the Devil, we are then standing under Satan's banner of error and no longer under God's banner of truth-even though we may call ourselves "Seventh-day Adventist"! This is because there are only two banners we can stand under.
Remember "there are but two parties in the world. All rank either under the banner of obedience or under the banner of the disobedient" (Bible Commentary, vol 5, p 1119), and "all are ranging themselves either under the banner of truth and righteousness or under the banner of the apostate powers that are contending for the supremacy" (Testimonies, vol 7, p 150-151).
So it is by our words, actions, and the character which we reveal to others, that we clearly show which of these two banners we stand under and herald, and not by the church name we identify ourselves by. This principle is clearly presented in the following testimony:
"It was presented before me in the following manner: A large company of heathen idolaters bore a black banner, upon which were figures of the sun, moon, and stars. This company seemed to be very fierce and angry. I was then shown another company bearing a pure white banner, upon which was written, 'Purity and holiness unto the Lord.' Their countenances were marked with firmness and heavenly resignation. I saw the heathen idolaters approach them, and there was a great slaughter. The Christians melted away before them; and yet the Christian company pressed the more closely together, and held the banner more firmly. As many fell, others rallied around the banner and filled their places.
"I saw the company of idolaters consulting together. Failing to make the Christians yield, they agreed to another plan. I saw them lower their banner and then approach that firm Christian company and make propositions to them. At first their propositions were utterly refused. Then I saw the Christian company consulting together. Some said that they would lower the banner, accept the propositions, and save their lives, and at last they could gain strength to raise their banner among the heathen. A few, however, would not yield to this plan, but firmly chose to die holding their banner rather than to lower it. Then I saw many lower the banner and unite with the heathen; but the firm and steadfast would again seize it and bear it on high. I saw that persons were continually leaving the company of those who bore the pure banner, and were uniting with the idolaters under the black banner, to persecute those bearing the white banner. Many were slain, yet the white banner was held high, and believers were raised up to rally around it." Early Writings, p 211-212.
Brothers and sisters, this above history has been repeated over and over again in the history of God's church. Each and every time a chosen church of God has decided to lower God's banner of truth, it was not because they refused to identify themselves by their God-chosen name of Israel, or by the name of Christian, or by any other church name. But it was because they compromised God's truths, lowered His standard of purity, and rebelled against His will. By doing this, they were lowering the banner of Christ, dishonoring and rejecting Him, and leaving His banner of truth to trail in the dust--even though they still clung to their church name. This rebellion led to God calling His people out of their apostate church, and to identify themselves by a different name. It is the same today.
We leave God's banner to trail in the dust when we no longer stand for or advocate God's truths, not because we do not uphold the name "Seventh-day Adventist." Words are cheap, but actions reveal what is really in the heart.
"I am instructed to say to those who endeavor to tear down the foundation that has made us Seventh-day Adventists: we are God's commandment-keeping people... He calls upon us to hold firmly with the grip of faith, to the fundamental principles that are based upon unquestionable authority.
"God has placed in our hands a banner on which is inscribed the words 'the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.' 'Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.' He declares, at all times and in all places we are to hold the banner firmly aloft. God's denominated people are to take a firm stand under the banner of truth... Those who have arisen to question and overthrow the principles of present truth, have been sternly rebuked." Manuscript Releases, vol 4, p 246 (Letter 95, March 14, 1905).
"There are only two parties upon the earth--those who stand under the blood-stained banner of Jesus Christ and those who stand under the black banner of rebellion. Those who stand under Christ's banner bear the sign of obedience spoken of in Exodus 31:12-18." Manuscript Releases, vol 14, p 161.
You will clearly notice that no where in this testimony was it mentioned or insinuated in the least degree that we were to take a firm stand under the name of "Seventh-day Adventist" as our banner; or that we were to hold the name of "Seventh-day Adventist" firmly aloft with the grip of faith; or that there would arise individuals who would question and seek to overthrow the name of "Seventh-day Adventist" who must be rebuked because we must stand under this literal name as a sign of our obedience. Yet this is the very position that many have taken and advocate in this banner issue.
Each and every person, regardless of what name, or lack of name, they may use to identify their religious persuasion, will clearly show and reveal to all the world exactly what banner they stand under and advocate. This is because "by their fruits ye shall know them" Matthew 7:20. By understanding this pure principle of heavenly truth, it then does not matter what church name you may use to identify yourself by, no matter how exalted this name may be, because it is by your fruits that you reveal which of these two banners you are standing under, and whom you are servants of and working for--either Christ or Satan.
Thus if we bear the banner of God and of Christ, we are to raise this banner in the name of God; we must conquer in the name of Jesus; we must magnify the name of Christ, and not to raise in, or conquer in, or magnify, the name of any church--including Seventh-day Adventist!
"In the name of God, lift your banner for truth and righteousness, 'the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.'" Youth's Instructor, August 3, 1887.
"We are standing under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel. As faithful soldiers of the cross we are not to fight against principles and powers, but against spiritual wickedness in high places. We are to meet Satan and his hosts. In this warfare there is no rest, no release. We must conquer in the name of Jesus, or be conquered." Signs of the Times, May 10, 1903.
"All who truly love Jesus Christ will now stand enlisted under His banner, eager to magnify His name and accomplish His will." Special Testimonies, Series A#6, p 22.
Therefore, in these last days of earth's history, it is by showing and proving our loyalty to God by keeping and exalting His commandments--especially His Sabbath day, and refusing to give it up--regardless of the consequences or punishment heaped upon us, that we show to all the world that we stand under the banner of God. And it is not that we stand under God's banner by showing and proving our loyalty to God by clinging to the name "Seventh-day Adventist", refusing to give it up--regardless of the consequences or punishment heaped upon us. It is the truth of God's word which we are to fully avow and boldly proclaim to the world, not a literal church name!
"It is at this time that the true Sabbath must be brought before the people both by pen and by voice. As the fourth commandment of the Decalogue and those who observe it are ignored and despised, the faithful few know that it is the time not to hide their face but to exalt the law of Jehovah by unfurling the banner on which is inscribed the message of the third angel, 'Here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.' Rev. 14:12...
"The truth must not be hid, it must not be denied or disguised, but fully avowed, and boldly proclaimed." Evangelism, p 281.
"All who proved their loyalty to God by observing His law, and refusing to accept a spurious sabbath, will rank under the banner of the Lord God Jehovah, and will receive the seal of the living God. Those who yield the truth of heavenly origin and accept the Sunday sabbath, will receive the mark of the beast." Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 976.
"The Sabbath keepers at Seven Hills are intelligent, excellent people, but they are all poor. They have lifted the cross, separating from opposing friends and relatives, and have taken their stand under the blood stained banner of Christ, to be loyal to all the commandments of God." Paulson Collection, p 134.
I sincerely hope and earnestly pray that all can understand that the foundational support given for the belief that the name "Seventh-day Adventist" is written on the banner of God, is not in agreement with the weight of evidence provided by a "Thus saith the Lord."
This article was written not to cast down, or to needlessly cause any embarrassment or pain to, anyone who chooses to call themselves "Seventh-day Adventist" and thereby be identified with this apostate and corrupt church. But to show all those who have completely disconnected themselves from this Babylonian church that there is no command from God, nor is there any directive from the Spirit of Prophecy, that they must continue to cling to and identify themselves by the name "Seventh-day Adventist".